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ORDINANCE N0. Al 7 3 <br />AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE PRESENCE OF <br />MINORS UNDER THE FULL AGE OF EIGHTEEN <br />(18) YEARS ON PUBLIC STREETS AND OTHER <br />PUBLIC PLACES BETWEEN CERTAIN HOURS, WITH <br />EXCEPTIONS. DEFINING RESPONSIBILITIES OF <br />PARENTS OR GUARDIANS OR OTHER HAVING THE <br />LEGAL CARE AND CUSTODY OF MINORS UNDER THE <br />FULL AGE OF EIGHTEEN (18) YEARS AND PRO- <br />VIDING FOR PENALTIES AND ARRESTS FOR VIOLATION <br />THEREOF, DESCRIBING CERTAIN PROCEDURES IN THE <br />APPREHENSION AND PROCESSING OF SUCH MINORS <br />UNDER THE FULL AGE OF EIGHTEEN (18) YEARS <br />AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT <br />HEREWITH, AS AMENDED, <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE OITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA, THAT: <br />SECTION I. It shall be unlawful for any person under the <br />full age of eighteen (18) years to be or remain upon any public street <br />or public alley or be in, on or around any place of amusement or <br />entertainment, either on foot or in vehicles of any type, in the City <br />of South Bend, Indiana, according to the following schedule of hours: <br />Sunday from 11:00 P.M. to 5:00 A.M. Monday <br />Monday from 11:00 P.M. to 5 :00 A.M. Tuesday <br />Tuesday from 11:00 P.M. to 5:00 A.M. Wednesday <br />Wednesday from 11:00 P.M. to 5:00 A.M. Thursday <br />Thursday from 11:00 P.M. to 5 :00 A.M. Friday <br />Saturday from 12:30 A.M. to 5:30 A.M. Saturday <br />Sunday from 12 :30 A.M. to 5:30 A,M, Sunday <br />unless accompanied by and in charge of a parent, guardian or other <br />adult person having the authorized custody, care and control of such <br />minor or unless such minor be then engaged in the performance of any <br />duty directed by such parent, guardian or other adult person, having <br />the authorized custody, care and control of such minor; or unless <br />returning home or to said minor's place of abode from any religious <br />or school sponsored meetings and social functions. <br />SECTION II. Any Police Officer finding any person under <br />the full age of eighteen (18) years violating the provisions of this <br />ordinance shall cause a written notice to be served upon the parent, <br />guardian, or other adult person having the authorized custody, care, <br />and control of such minor, setting forth the manner in which this <br />ordinance has been violated. Any parent, guardian, or adult person <br />having the authorized custody, care, and control of such minor who <br />shall knowingly permit such minor to again violate the provisions of <br />this ordinance after receiving notice of the first violation shall <br />be fined not less than Twenty -five ($25.00) Dollars nor more than <br />Three - hundred ($300.00) Dollars for each offense. <br />SECTION III. Any person under the full age of eighteen (18) <br />years who shall be apprehended for having violated this ordinance <br />shall be treated txaasuked in accordance with the statutes of <br />the State of Indiana concerning xx2k Fwxsaasx juveniles. <br />SECTION IV, This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect <br />from and after its passage by the Common Council of the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana, its approval by the Mayor and Legal Publication. <br />THE WHOLE <br />PARSE <br />