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,~ ~~ i,~.I~ 11~IEETIN~i SENT E~l33ER ~, 2408 ~.s ~.,. <br />ri~E~EAS, the project will cost an estimated ~695,~78.40 which tl~e pity will fund <br />the Airport Economic Development 1~rea Tax Increment l~inance District; and <br />WEE ~AS, the South fiend Board of public Worl~s (the "~~W") has the expen-tse and <br />staff'reson ices to oversee the Project; and <br />WpIE1ZEAS, the ~I~W and the ~ornn~ission desire to enter into an agency agreement <br />P~F~in tlne I~I~W sl~nall act as the ~ornrnission's agent with respect to tlne Project and other <br />_-' - d matters. <br />~~, TI~ERI/f~RF, l3E IT ~SDL~ED by the pity of South fiend, Indiana, Board of <br />_ .,'orlcs as follows: <br />Section 1. The ~3PW hereby approves the Agency Agreennent and hereby authorizes <br />r ':ion in substantially the form attached hereto with such changes as '' E~W may deem <br />or appropriate Lnpon the advice of counsel, said. execution thereof io be conclusive <br />ace of the DPW=s approval of such changes. Tl1e ~lerlc is hereby directed to fle a copy of <br />,.bency Agreennent with the ~onnrnission. <br />Section 2. This Resolution shall be in fnall force and effect after its adoption by the <br />AD4~PTED at a nneeting of the pity of South Bend Board of Public Worlcs held on <br />`. ;r 8, 2408, at 9:34 a.rn., in Room 1348, bounty-pity ~Llilding, Soutll Bend, Indiana <br />T <br />~IT~' ~~ S~UTI-I I~EI~D, I1~DIAI~~1~ <br />~~A OP P~1l3IJI~ W~RI~S <br />sJ~ary Ciilot, President <br />s/earl IJittrell <br />s/Don Inks <br />AT~~~'E S T : <br />sf~,lnda I~'Iartin, ~lerlc <br /><~D~I~T' RES(3L,CTTI~N N~. b3-2448 - A RES~3LCTTIDN Ali TIE SC~IJTf-I ~E1~D ~~AI~D <br />`~1,~ ~~T~I,I~ W~I~I~S ~N DISPOSAL, OF ZJNfIT AND/OR ~~SOIJETE PRDPEI~TY <br />~' -- a nnotion made by 1VIr. ~rilot, seconded by ~/1r. li/Iurphy and carried, tl~e following <br />is ~~ was adopted by t11e hoard of Pinblic Works; <br />SOL,iTT'ION NO. b3-2008 <br />,~ I~E,SOL~7 T ION OP TIdE SOIT TAI I3ENL~ l~OARD ~~' PIJ~I,IO WOI~I~S <br />ON DISPOSAL Of ~JNfI~I' AND/OR OI3SOL,ETE PROPERTY <br />=~~=sP~AS, it has been determined by the hoard of Panblic Worl~s that the following property <br />r the purpose for which it was intended and is no longer needed by the pity of South <br />~ornnaunity and Economic Development: <br />Lanier CopicrlPrinter, I~Iodel 53b5, Serial # PA010992 <br />WI~EREAS, Indiana Oode 5-22-22 perrrnits and establishes procedure for disposal of <br />- ~-- - -~ property which is unafit for the pairpose for which it was intended and which is no longer <br />k~aw~,y ~. ~,y the pity. <br />T~10W, TpIE ~'O ~, ~E I~I' IZESOL,~ED by the Board of Public Worlcs of the Oity of <br />Send that the items listed above are no longer needed by the pity; are unafit for the purpose <br />~?~ they were intended and Dave an estimated value of less than one thousand dollars <br />0~. <br />EE i`ii' ~IJRTPIER F~SOLYED that said items may be transferred or sold at public <br />r corn or private sale, without advertising. ~Iowever, if the property is deenxned worthless, sLnch <br />~• °, dernolislzed or junked. <br />