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Community Development <br />SOL'~1'H BEND HOME IMPROVI MENC PROGRAM <br />Laan Applicatio^ <br />Apnlicanl's Na:nc I,inc!_t [;, [finch 1733 East l os Strcct <br />Narnc ,lddress <br />Sou[h_Bc~d.IN 4661__ 60 <br />Oily/Stale-Zip ;1ge <br />Co-Applicant, Name __ __ South Bcnd,.IN <br />Name Address CityiStatc;7_,ip <br />,'i.f:AS€; NO~1~F.: Herea ic'r Individual and joint applicants w°ifl be refetTed to as the "applicant'. <br />~1~~c of Ucpcndcnt __ _ _ _ _ `t'otal Number of Dependents: 0 <br />Age <br />Puo~TJ~~~~r,~ ~oa>v ~ro~r~,~. <br />1. Rehabilitation C~osl <br />;;. ,4~nouct liar Construction Work 511.70.00 <br />B. Unexpected Costa (IO?f of line IA) ~$1.17~ 00 __ <br />C'. "l~itle Repirt. Recording Fccs <br />Credit Rcpor:. L~ ~~al Fee;, etc. X123.00 <br />D. Amount of Mortgages Being Rciinanced _ <br />I~:. "1 O"i~AL (sum o[ lines IA through 1 Dj 16 13.Q48.00 <br />2. Funds to he I~urnishcd Front E~thcr Sources <br />A. Grant Fundy 1'o Be Furnished (SBI iIP grant) _ $6,46250 <br />B. Chher Funds l~o Bc FLrnisnal ( _ __-- _ __) <br />C. TOTAL. (line 3A+2I,) 2C $b.~6?.50 __ <br />3. 1 nc ? E. 11ini:a Li c 2C 3 $6Sh~50 <br />T. TOi~AL AV(OUNT OF APPI.IEB i.OAN (line 3 rounded to the next highest SiOj 56.6Uq.00~~~ <br />!nterest Rste Per Annum 04'r Number of Months 120 <br />Ytunthly Payments nC Pr>ncipal and Interest (i3o not rom~d) ___ S~>.OQ <br />;1~0 0(Stnicutn-_- - i2c.rainin;~ Economic i.ife `r1a-a~~ Va1uc _-- "After Rchah" Value <br />T~"1"AL l.OAV PAYf<~I1~;NT5 <br />.. 'i~ouli Gross 1?onth!y Luomc `52.360.62 <br />~. vlontltiy Housing l~:xpcnsc __$70650_. _ -- <br />~+. 'i':;:a! lforihif Fixed Charges _ S>3L9> <br />~. '1 C i'1' (!im, ?. 3 fi 4) 51.343.4 <br />Balance (line 1 minus !ire >) SL017.17 <br />