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ORDINANCE NO. <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA AMENDING CHAPTER 17 ARTICLE 2, SECTION 17 -27.1 OF THE SOUTH <br />BEND MUNICIPAL CODE TO INCREASE WASTE DISCHARGE RATE FROM $0.06 <br />TO $0.151 PER GALLON <br />STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT <br />On November 11, 2013, the South Bend Common Council passed Ordinance #10271 -13 <br />which reinserted Chapter 17, Article 2, Section 17.27.1 into the South Bend Municipal Code. <br />That Section of the Municipal Code had been inadvertently eliminated in 2011 by a previous <br />Municipal Code revision which was required by the federal Environmental Protection Agency <br />(EPA) under the Clean Water Act. <br />When Chapter 17, Article 2 Section 17 -27.1 was reinserted in the South Bend Municipal <br />Code in 2013, it retained the original charge of $0.06 per gallon to haulers of septic waste who <br />desire to discharge such waste at the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant. That charge should be <br />increased to $0.151 per gallon, consistent with Subsection (2) of Section 17.27.1, i.e., that "the <br />rates and charges for hauled septic waste shall be subject to the same rate adjustments as <br />unmetered sewage rate for Class I users as described in subsection 17- 21(b)." Applying the <br />same adjustment to hauled septic rates as has been applied to unmetered Class I users, the result <br />is a charge of $0.151 per gallon. This ordinance effectuates that change in rate. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF <br />THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA as follows: <br />Section I. Chapter 17, Article 2, Section 17 -27.1 subpart (c)(1) of the South Bend <br />Municipal Code be and hereby is amended to read as follows: <br />Sec. 17.-27.1. Hauled septic tank waste and similar liquid waste discharge <br />requirements and rates. <br />jc) Rates and charges. <br />(1) Each hauler of septic tank waste shall be required to complete discharge <br />records at the plant indicating the origin of location(s) for each tanker discharged. <br />Charges shall be _,ix e_nts ($0.06) fifteen and one tenth cents ($0.151 per gallon on a <br />full tanker basis. The hauler shall be charged the full tanker volume for each <br />discharge, regardless of actual discharge volume, unless the City installs metering. <br />At that time, charges shall be .,:—eeat;-($0466) fifteen and one tenth cents ($0.151) <br />per gallon as metered. <br />