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proposed disposal site and surrounding area within 800 feet of <br />the site as prepared by an engineer registered in Indiana, at a <br />scale of not over 100 feet to the inch with 2 feet contour intervals, <br />shall be submitted with the initial application and for any, major <br />— proposed changes in the operation. This map shall also include <br />fencing, drainage provisions, adjacent property and road grades and <br />final grade of area. Where necessary to facilitate a propar <br />evaluation of the proposed operation, the topographic maps shall <br />be supplemented by detailed plans and specifications and <br />engineering studies. The maps and supplementary documents des- <br />cribed herein under Section V (a) shall be subject to review and <br />approval by the Indiana State Board of Health. <br />(b) The area selected for the disposal of refuse shall be con- <br />trolled by established hours of operation, and have an adequate <br />perimeter fence on all exposed sides. Entrance gates shall be <br />locked to prevent entrance of unauthorized personnel when <br />attendants are not on duty. <br />(c) Adequate supervision shall be provided during the operational <br />hours established under SectionV AOX (b) <br />(d) Suitable sanitary facilities shall be provided for employees <br />where operations continue for four -hour periods or longer per day. <br />(e) All material delivered to the site shall be compacted and <br />covered with six inches of earth at the close of each working day. <br />Final cover when establishing grade shall consist of at least two <br />feet of compacted earth. The earth cover material shall be inert <br />and relatively free of organic matter, tree roots, branches, stone <br />more than 6 inches in diameter, bulky building materials, and have <br />a low clay content. <br />(f) The face of the working fill shall be kept as narrow as <br />possible and protection shall be afforded to control blowing papers <br />and other debris. <br />(g) Fills exceeding a six foot lift shall require special approval <br />from the health officer. <br />(h) The location and operation of any refuse disposal site shall <br />be in such a manner as not to contribute to the pollution of <br />surface or underground waters where such pollution shall be <br />deemed by the health officer as a hazard to the public health. <br />(i) The finished area shall be sloped to provide drainage and be <br />seeded to preve n t erosion. Said area surface shall be maintained for <br />a period of two years after being completed to correct any erosion <br />or settling that may develop. <br />(j) In operations where dust on the site and approaches thereto <br />becomes a nuisance to adjacent property owners, the health officer <br />shall require that dust control measures be provided. <br />