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E. No remonstrators have appeared to object to this disannexation petition <br />IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED that the following described real estate is disannexed from <br />and is no longer part of the corporate limits of the City of South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana: <br />Beginning at a point where the south section line of Section 23, T38N, R2E intersects <br />with the west bank of the St. Joseph River, thence east along the said section line to <br />a point 737 feet west of the southeast corner of said Section 23, thence North 573.5 <br />feet, thence West 496.5 feet; thence South approximately 239 feet to the North right - <br />of -way of Cleveland Road, thence in a westerly direction along said right -of -way to <br />a point where the right -of -way intersects with the west bank of the St. Joseph River, <br />thence in a southerly direction along the west bank of said river to the point of <br />beginning. <br />Subject to all legal highways and easements of record. <br />SO ORDERED. Dated this0� day of February, 2002. <br />SOUTH BEND BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />Gary Gilot, President <br />Donald Inks, Member <br />Carl Littrell, Member <br />