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f. That the,'1ine.s.of,the a"exation as described <br />in said Ordinance are soldraw`'as,to :fo..Tm a compact area abutting <br />the City of South Bend..and the Court further finds that the cost <br />of this action should be assIessed against the remonstrators. <br />IT IS, THEREFORE, CONSIDERED, ORDERED,ADJUDGED AND <br />DECREED by the Court that Ordinance No. 4774 -65 of the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana, by the terms of which said city annexed <br />the following described territory, in St.' Joseph County, Ind., to -wit: <br />A tract of land situated in the Northwest <br />one - quarter of Section 31, T37N, Me <br />described as beginning at a point 826 feet <br />o c West and 40 feet south of the said Northeast <br />o a ,� corner of the Northwest one - quarter of said <br />Section 31, thence west on a line parallel to <br />n' C., and 40 feet South of the North line of said <br />° ^ o �c Section 31 for a distance of 1200.93 feet, <br />thence in a Southerly and Easterly direction <br />° _`` "w in a straight line to a point which is 1934 <br />t= i° :° ° feet West and 495 feet South of the said <br />`a -' ca c �°, Northeast corner of the Northwest one - quarter <br />'L Li m°W� of said Section 31, thence East 1108 feet; <br />thence North 455 feet to the point of beginning, <br />containing an area of 12.05 acres, and which <br />adjoins and is contagious with the present city <br />limits along the entire south and east sides. <br />and which said Ordinance is found in Ordinance Book 11, at page 47 <br />of the Ordinance records of said city in the possession of the <br />City Clerk thereof, be, and the same is hereby sustained as against <br />the remonstrance filed thereto by Clyde L. Lanphear, et al. <br />AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Clerk of this Court, <br />forthwith deliver a certified copy of this judgment to the Clerk of <br />the City of South Bend, who shall record the same in the Ordinance <br />record of said city, and make a cross referenc to the page thereof <br />AIMIONI q0 3TAT2 <br />upon the margin where such original annexation 0i%bl4aitlMaLsIPrecorded. <br />hu00 tohsqu2 edJ to )h910 ,blzwoft" Cplil <br />AND IT IS FURTHIM Q2PNREDJ8tUtyltib6'et �tv b �o�� Lion <br />i' pp evods edt Jodi Ytlbso ydsisri ob ,snafbnl to eirle <br />3OA9 t§S AJ08 <br />J)e-- a;ssevse aga nst the riaemostlbnatstslgmb�; fiiilui s zt gniogeiot bna <br />IsniBho Sri) toygoo <br />b,00a no zs— sggs Dated this f. `h82&bi &tto <br />C O U errTsz16T6ka zz z 0 ym nt bna <br />qua 1we vsfl 1 ,Joe,eriW IJ nl <br />k,9xiita br, <br />OSEPH SUR6IJWR• LOUR J <br />:.717e10,: 1 <br />8 OrMOAN .1, 2U12YOJA <br />