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cease on the redemption date fixed in said notice, if funds are available at the <br />T of redemption to pay the rincipal of and premium and interest on -the bonds <br />so called for redemption, on the date fixed in said notice and thereafter when <br />presented for payment. Coincidentally with the payment of the redemption price, <br />the bonds so called for redemption shall be surrendered for cancellation, 'together <br />with -the unmatured interest coupons appurtenant 'thereto. <br />Section S. Said bonds shall be signed in -the name of the City by the <br />Mayor, countersigned by the City Controller, and attested by the City Clerk, <br />who shall affix -the seal of the City -to each of said bonds. The interest <br />coupons attached to said bonds shall be executed by placing thereon the <br />facsimile signatures of tiie Mayor and City Controller, and said officials, by <br />the signing of said bonds, shall adopt as and for their proper signatures 'the <br />facsimile signatures appearing on said coupons. In case any officer whose <br />signature appears on -the bonds or coupons shall cease to be such officer before <br />the delivery of such bonds., his signature shall nevertheless be valid and <br />sufficient for all purposes the same as if such officer had remained in office <br />until such delivery. <br />Said bonds shall be negotiable by delivery unless registered Upon <br />presentation of the bonds at the office of the City Controller in the City of <br />South Bend, said Controller shall register said bonds as to the principal thereof, <br />without charge or expense to the holder. Such registry shall be noted on -the <br />bonds, after which no transfer thereof will be valid unless made by d-ie registered <br />ocmer in person or by his attorney duly authorized, and similarly noted on the <br />bonds, but said bonds may be discharged from registry by being in like manner <br />transferred to bearer, after which they shall be transferable by delivery, but <br />may be again registered as before. The registration of any bond shall not affect <br />the negotiability of the interest coupons attached thereto, but such coupons <br />shall continue to pass by delivery merely and shall remain payable to bearer. <br />Section u. The form and tenor of said bonds and 'the interest coupons <br />to be attached thereto, together with the form of registry endorsement thereon, <br />shall be substantially as follows, all blanks -to be filled in properly prior to <br />delivery thereof: <br />-7- <br />