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revenue so received shall be deemed to be revenue derived from the operation of <br />the waterworks and shall- be used and. accounted for in the same manner as other <br />revenues derived from the operation of the waterworks. The City covenants to <br />the fullest extent permitted by law, and subject to the approval of Lhe Public <br />Service Commission, that it will cause to be maintained at least TWO Thousand <br />Seven Hundred Seventy -five (2,775) fire hydrants and will pay to its waterworks <br />department an annual rental of not less -than Forty- -four Dollars ($44.00) per <br />hydrant:, which the Council now finds is a reasonable and proper charge therefor. <br />Upon completion of the construction of the work, said minimum number of hydrants <br />shall be maintained, and said rental will be paid by the City to its waterworks <br />department so long as any of the bonds herein authorized are outstanding. <br />Section 13. For the purpose of further safeguarding the interests of <br />the holders of the bonds, it is specifically provided as follows: <br />(a) All construction contracts shall be let to responsible contractors <br />who shall be required to furnish construction bonds running to the City of South <br />Bend, in an amount equal to One Hundred per cent (100%) of the amount of such <br />contracts, to insure the completion of such contracts in accordance with their <br />terms, and such contractors shall be required to carry such employer's liability <br />and public liability insurance as are -required under the laws of the State of <br />Indiana in the case of public contracts. <br />(b) The extensions and additions shall be contracted for and <br />constructed to the approval of Clyde E. Williams & Associates, Inc., Consulting <br />Engineers of South Bend, Indiana, now employed by the City, or suchh other <br />consulting engineers as may hereafter be employed by the City. All estimates <br />for work done and material furnished shall first be checked by the consulting <br />engineers before being approved by the City. <br />(c) The City shall, at all times, maintain said waterworks in good <br />condition and operate the same in an efficient manner and at a reasonable cost. <br />(d) So long as any of the bonds herein authorized are outstanding, <br />the City shall maintain insurance on the insurable parts of the waterworks of <br />a hind and in an amount such as is usually carried by private companies engaged <br />in a similar type of business. All insurance shall be placed with responsible <br />insurance companies qualified to do business in 'the State of Indiana., and any <br />insurance proceeds collected shall. be used in replacing the property destroyed <br />i -15 <br />