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Section 7. The City Controller is hereby authorized and directed to <br />have said bonds and coupons prepared, and the Mayor, City Controller and City <br />Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute said bonds and the coupons <br />to be attached thereto in the form and manner hereinbefore provided. The City <br />Controller shall sell said bonds at public sale. Prior to the sale of the <br />bonds the Controller shall cause to be published a notice of sale once each <br />week for two weeks in The Tri- County Nevis and the South Bend Tribune, and one <br />time in a newspaper or financial journal published in the City of Indianapolis, <br />and is authorized to publish said notice or a summary thereof in a financial <br />journal published in the City of New York, New York in the event he shall deem <br />it advisable. The date fixed for the sale shall not be earlier than seven (7) <br />days after the last of said publications. The bond sale notice shall state the <br />time and place of sale, the total amount of bonds, the maximum rate of interest <br />thereon, the maturities thereof, the purpose for which the bonds are being issued, <br />'the terms and conditions on which bids -will be received and the sale made, and <br />shall set out such other information as the Controller, acting on the advice of <br />counsel, shall deem necessary. <br />All bids for said bonds shall be sealed and shall be presented to the <br />Controller at his office. Bidders shall be required to name the rate or rates <br />of interest which the bonds are to bear, not exceeding five per cent (54o) per <br />annwn. Sudz interest rate or rates shall be in multiples of one - eighth (1 /8th) <br />of one per cent (1%), and not more than three different interest rates shall be <br />named by each bidder. Bids specifying more than one interest rate shall also <br />specify the amount and maturities of the bonds bearing each rate, but all bonds <br />maturing on 'the same date shall bear the same single coupon rate. The Controller <br />shall award the bonds to the highest qualified bidder. The highest- bidder <br />shall be the one who offers -the lowest net interest cost to the City, to be <br />determined by computing 'the total interest on all of 'the bonds to their <br />maturities and deducting therefrom the premium bid, if any. No bid for less <br />than 'the par value of said bonds, including accrued interest -to the date of <br />delivery, shall be considered. The Controller shall have the right to reject <br />any and all bids, and in the event no satisfactory bids are received, the <br />-11- <br />