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The bonds of -this issue are redeemable at the option of the City, in <br />whole or in part, on March 1, 1971 or any interest payment date thereafter, in <br />inverse order of maturity and by lot within a maturity, at face value, together <br />with the following premiums: three per cent (3%) if redeemed on March 1, 1971, <br />or thereafter on or before September 1, 1974; two per cent (2%) if redeemed on <br />March 1, 1975, or thereafter on or before September 1, 1977; one per cent (ln <br />if redeemed on March 1, 1973, or -thereafter prior to maturity; plus in each case <br />accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption; provided notice of said <br />redemption shall be given at least 'thirty (30) days prior to the redemption date <br />by one publication in a newspaper of general circulation printed and published <br />in the City of South Bend, Indiana and in a newspaper or financial journal <br />published in the City of Indianapolis, Indiana, and in a financial journal of <br />general circulation published in -the City of New York, New York, and a like <br />notice be sent by mail to -the holders of such bonds as are then registered. <br />Interest on the bonds so called for redemption shall cease on the redemption date <br />fixed in said notice, if funds are available at the place of redemption to redeem <br />the bonds when presented. The bonds so redeemed prior to maturity shall be <br />surrendered for cancellation, together with unmatured interest coupons appurtenant <br />thereto. <br />The City covenants that it will, to the fullest extent permitted by <br />law, fix, maintain and collect an aggregate of rates and charges for the <br />services rendered by said waterworks which will be sufficient to pay all costs <br />of operation and maintenance of said waterworks, to provide a proper and adequate <br />depreciation account, and to create and maintain the sinking fund required for <br />-the payment of all revenue bonds which by their terms are payable from the <br />revenues of said waterworks, and that it will, in all other respects, faithfully <br />comply with all of the provisions of -the governing statutes pursuant to which <br />this bond is issued. In the event the City shall make any default in the <br />payment of the principal of or interest on this bond, the holder hereof shall <br />have all of -the rights and remedies provided by the governing statutes, <br />including the right to compel the collection of sufficient rates and charges <br />to provide for the payment of -this bond and the interest hereon. <br />This bond and all other bonds of said issue shall, in the hands of <br />bona fide holders, have all of the qualities of negotiable instruments under <br />the laws of -the State of Indiana. This bond may be registered at the office <br />of the City Controller as to principal only, in the name of the owner, in the <br />manner and with the effect provided in said ordinance, but unless registered <br />shall pass by delivery. The interest coupons attached hereto shall at all times <br />pass by delivery. <br />If any bond or interest coupon shall not be presented for payment or <br />redemption on the date fixed -therefor, the City may deposit in trust with the <br />First Bank and Trust Company of South Bend, South Bend, Indiana, an amount <br />sufficient to pay such bond or interest coupon, as -the case may be, and -there- <br />after the holder shall look only to the funds so deposited in trust with said <br />bank for payment and neither 'the City nor its waterworks shall have any further <br />obligation or liability in respect thereto. <br />It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions and 'things <br />required to be done precedent to and in the execution, issuance and delivery of <br />this bond have been done and performed in regular and due form as provided by <br />law. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of South Bend, in St. Joseph County, <br />State of Indiana, has caused this bond to be signed in its corporate name <br />by its duly elected, qualified and acting Mayor, countersigned by its City <br />Controller, its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by its <br />duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk, and the interest coupons hereto <br />M <br />