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Such - license shall be in effect for the remainder of the calendar <br />year. A license for every calendar year thereafter shall issue upon <br />filing of a medical certificate and the payment of One dollar ($1.00) <br />unless the license for the preceding year has been revoked. <br />SECTION 16. DISPLAY OF LICENSE <br />Every driver licensed under this ordinance shall post his driver's <br />license in such a place as to be in full view of all passengers while <br />such driver is operating a taxicab. <br />SECTION 17. SUSPENSION AND REVOCATION OF LICENSE. <br />The Board of Public Works and Safety is hereby given the authority to <br />suspend any driver's license issued under this ordinance for a driver's <br />failing or refusing to comply with the provisions of this ordinance, such <br />suspension to last for a period of not more than thirty (30) days. The <br />Board of Public Works and Safety is also given authority to revoke any <br />driver's license for failure to comply with the provisions of this <br />ordinance. However, a license may not be revoked unless the driver <br />has received notice and has had an opportunity to present evidence in <br />his behalf. <br />SECTION 18. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH CITY. STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS. <br />Every driver licensed under this ordinance shall comply with all City, <br />State and Federal laws. Failure to do so will justify the Board of <br />Public Works and Safety suspending or revoking a license. <br />SECTION 19. VEHICLES - - EQUIPMENT AND MAINTENANCE. <br />(a) Vehicles must be licensed. Prior to the use and operation <br />of any vehicle under the provisions of this ordinance said vehicle shall <br />be thoroughly examined and inspected by the Police Department and found <br />to comply with such reasonable rules and regulations as may be pre- <br />scribed by the Board of Public Works and Safety. These rules <br />and regulations shall be promulgated to provide safe transportation <br />and shall specify such safety equipment and regulatory devices as the <br />Board of Public Works and Safety shall deem necessary therefore. <br />When the Police Department finds that a vehicle has'met the standards <br />established by the Board of Public Works and Safety, the Department <br />shall issue a permit to that effect which shall also state the authorized <br />seating capacity of said vehicle. <br />(b) Periodic Inspections. Every vehicle operating under this ordinance <br />shall be periodically inspected by the Police Department at such inter- <br />vals as shall be established by the Board of Public Works and Safety to <br />insure the maintenance of safe operating conditions. <br />(c) Vehicles Must Be Kept in a Clean and Sanitary Condition. <br />Every vehicle operating under this ordinance shall be kept in a clean <br />and sanitary condition according to rules and regulations promulgated <br />by the Board of Public Works and Safety. <br />SECTION 20. DESIGNATION OF TAXICABS <br />Each taxicab shall bear on the outside of each front or rear door, in <br />painted letters five (5) inches in height, the name of the holder <br />of a certificate of public convenience and necessity, and the number of <br />the license plainly painted 5 inches in height, on the rear of such <br />vehicle, and in addition, may bear an identifying design approved <br />by the Board of Public Works and Safety. No vehicle covered by the <br />terms of this ordinance shall be licensed whose color scheme, identifying <br />design, monogram or insignia to be used thereon shall, in the opinion <br />of the Board of Public Works and Safety conflict with or imitate any <br />color scheme, identifying design, monogram or insignia used on a vehicle <br />or vehicles already operating under the ordinance, in such a manner as <br />to be misleading or tend to ceceive or defraud the public; and provided <br />further, that if, after a license has been issued for a taxicab here- <br />under, the color scheme, identifying design, monogram, or insignia <br />