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SECTION 40. DISPOSITION OF ARTICLES LEFT IN TAXICABS <br />Whenever any package, article of baggage or goods of any kind shall <br />be left in any taxicab or in the custody of the driver of any such <br />vehicle, such driver shall, upon the discovery of such package or article, <br />forthwith deliver the same to the company's main office and into the <br />hands of the management in charge thereof and receive from such <br />manager a receipt for same, ynless such package or article shall be <br />sooner delivered to the owner thereof on the order of such owner. <br />SECTION 41. RIDING ON FRONT SEAT <br />It shall be unlawful for the driver or owner of any licensed taxicab <br />to allow any person, except one person who pays his due fare, to ride <br />on the front seat with the driver of such vehicle while the same is <br />engaged in the business of carrying persons for hire. <br />SECTION 42. POWER OF BOARD TO ADOPT ADDITIONAL RULES AND REGULATIONS <br />The Board of Public Works and Safety shall have the power to make and <br />adopt such additional rules and regulations as shall be in its judge- <br />ment and discretion necessary and proper for safety in the driving <br />or managing of taxicabs; provided, that such additional rules and <br />regulations shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of this <br />article. <br />SECTION 43. SEVERABILITY <br />Each of the provisions of this ordinance are severable, and if any <br />provision shall be declared to be invalid, the remaining provisions <br />shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. <br />SECTION 44. REPEALING PROVISION <br />All ordinances or parts or ordinances in conflict with this ordinance <br />are hereby repealed. <br />SECTION 45. LICENSE REQUIRED <br />No person shall operate any commercial, bus, making five or more <br />stops within the city for the purpose of taking on or discharging <br />passengers, without first having obtained a license for such bus. <br />SECTION 46. FEES <br />Any person desiring to obtain a license under Section 45 shall pay <br />to the City Controller, for the benefit of the city, for each commercial <br />bus to be so operated, an annual license fee of seventy -five dollars <br />for each vehicle having a rated seating capacity of more than twelve <br />passengers; provided, that such license fee shall not apply to commercial <br />vehicles which are operating under the terms of any contract entered <br />into by the owner thereof with the Board of Public Works and Safety and <br />ratified by the Common Council and which are operated regularly under <br />a regular time schedule; provided further, that the license fees for <br />vehicles operated under any such contract and which have rated seating <br />capacity of more than twelve passengers shall be twenty -five dollars <br />per year. <br />SECTION 47. SUBSTITUTE VEHICLES <br />No license required by Section 45 shall be required for vehicles held <br />in reserve for the purpose of substituting while vehicles on which <br />license has been issued are being repaired, in which case the license <br />tag on the vehicle for which a license has been issued and which is <br />being repaired may be transferred temporarily to such reserve vehicle <br />while it is being used as a substitute for the regular vehicle. <br />