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REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 11, 2014 32 <br />APPROVE MODIFICATION OF WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT(S) <br />In a Memorandum to the Board, Ms. Kim Thompson, Division of Environmental Services, <br />submitted the following modified Wastewater Discharge Permits) and recommended approval: <br />McCormick & Company, 3425 West Lathrop Drive, Significant Industrial User <br />Suzuki Garphyttan Corporation, 4404 Nimtz Parkway, Significant Industrial User <br />There being no further discussion, upon a motion made by Ms. Roos, seconded by Mr. Relos and <br />carried, the modified permits were approved. <br />APPROVAL OF REVISED TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE <br />Mr. Eric Horvath, Director of Public Works, informed the Board that State law does not require <br />an Engineers traffic study on a reduction in speed limit of five (5) mph. He explained the law <br />sets residential speed limits at 30 mph but allows a city to reduce the speed limit in a residential <br />neighborhood from 30 mph to 25 mph. Mr. Horvath stated he is not opposed to looking at <br />residential neighborhoods on an individual basis, where the streets are just for moving traffic <br />from homes with driveways to a main arterial. Ms. Roos stated this could be precedent setting <br />and may create a flood of other neighborhoods wanting the same thing done. Mr. Horvath agreed <br />and stated Engineering would need to set some criteria of what constitutes a residential <br />neighborhood. Upon a motion made by Ms. Roos, seconded by Mr. Relos and carried, the <br />following traffic control device revision was approved: <br />REVISION: Reduce speed limit from 30 mph to 25 mph <br />LOCATION: Kensington Farms East: Aberdeen Dr., Farnsworth Dr., <br />Stonehedge Lane <br />APPLICANT: Somers Square Home Owners Association <br />APPROVE CLAIMS <br />Ms. Roos stated that a request to pay the following claims in the amounts indicated has been <br />received by the Board; each claim is fully supported by an invoice; the person receiving the <br />goods or services has approved the claims; and the claims have been filed with the City Fiscal <br />Officer and certified for accuracy. <br />Name <br />Amount of Claim <br />Date <br />City of South Bend <br />$7,221.24 <br />02/07/2014 <br />City of South Bend <br />$1,107,581.80 <br />02/11/2014 <br />St. Joseph Housing Consortium <br />$537.78 <br />02/03/2014 <br />St. Joseph Housing Consortium <br />$1,337.30 <br />02/03/2014 <br />St, Joseph Housing Consortium <br />$1,353.30 <br />02/03/2014 <br />Therefore, Ms. Roos made a motion that after review of the expenditures, the claims be approved <br />as submitted. Mr. Relos seconded the motion, which carried. <br />PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR <br />Mr. Murray Miller, Local No. 645, asked why the City was paying for improvements at the <br />Coveleski Stadium. Ms. Greene explained that the city invested in the work on the Synagogue, <br />but $1,500,000.00 was done by a private investor committed to improving a historic structure. <br />She explained that the City owns most of the Coveleski Stadium, including the Synagogue, and <br />is reimbursing the developer for their investment into the City property. She noted the City is <br />only paying $500,000.00 for $1,500,000.00 worth of work. <br />011161iMWILVA mIOrk <br />There being no further business to come before the Board, upon a motion made by Mr. Gilot, <br />seconded by Ms. Roos and carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:34 a.m. <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />Gary A. Gilot, President <br />