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Revised 10/30/01 <br />DEED OF PUBLIC INGRESS & EGRESS EASEMENT <br />This Indenture Witnesseth <br />That RADIOLOGY REALTY <br />of ST. JOSEPH County, and State of Indiana <br />CONVEY AND GRANT <br />To THE PUB C County, and State of Indiana <br />of ST JOS PE_ H <br />the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged the following PUBLIC INGRESS & <br />EGRESS EASEMENT OVER CERTAIN REAL ESTATE in St. Joseph County, in the State <br />of Indiana, to-wit: <br />SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" <br />1). The intent of the execution of this deed is to create a PUBLIC INGRESS <br />& EGRESS EASEMENT over certain property of land in St. Joseph County, <br />Indiana for the purposes of creating a triangular easement area at the <br />northwest corner of Lot # 180 of the Plat of "Samuel L. Cottrell's Addition <br />to the City of South Bend" as Recorded in Plat Book # 1 on Page # 49 in the <br />Records of the St. Joseph County, Indiana Recorder's Office. The intent of <br />this easement is to allow for vehicular turning movements from and to the <br />existing 14 ft. wide Public Alleys adjacent to said Lot # 180. This <br />Ingress and Egress Easement shall be valid only until such times as said 14 <br />ft. wide Public Alleys remain open to the Public. Once said Public Alleys <br />are Vacated through the City of South Bend, Indiana Vacation Procedure, <br />said Ingress & Egress Easement shall become Null and Void. <br />2). In exchange fpr providing the above described PUBLIC INGRESS & EGRESS <br />EASEMENT, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. has agreed to provide certain <br />accommodations to Radiology Realty pursuant to the terms of a separate <br />Limited Use Agreement of the same date. <br />IN WITNESS THEREOF, The said <br />RADIOLOGY REALTY OWNERS. <br />Have her et their Hands this <br />for <br />T~~e~~ ~ . T~v.sar FOR <br />~3~ day of ` ~ a~'e,"`~be'~' 2001. <br />Radiology Realty <br />STATE OF INDIANA, ST. JOSEPH County, ss: <br />Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and <br />State, personally appeared the within <br />named FOR RADIOLOGY REALTY OWNERS <br />who acknowledged the execution of the forgoing Deed to be their voluntary <br />act and deed. <br />