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ORDINANCE N0. -I4 �P <br />All ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE <br />07 CERTAIN REAL ESTATE BY THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. <br />BE IT OP,DAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA: <br />WHEREAS, the City of South Bend, Indiana has experienced flood <br />conditions in the Southeast quadrant of said City during heavy rain <br />fall and, <br />WHEREAS, it has been determined by engineering survey that a <br />contributing factor to such flooding is the overflowing of the <br />Clyde Creek drainage installation which is a part of the drainage <br />system of the City of South Bend, Indiana, <br />WHEREAS, engineering studies have further determined that a <br />retention basin should be constructed South and East of the City <br />limits so as to control the waters entering the Clyde Cree ?c ditch <br />in that area during heavy rain fall and, <br />WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Board of Public Works <br />and Safety that the construction of such retention basin is in the <br />best interest of the City and that it is necessary to acquire <br />approximately five acres of land for that purpose. <br />NOW, THEREFOIRE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA: <br />SECTION I. That the City of South Bend, Indiana is hereby <br />authorized, for the sum of $17,500.00, to purchase the following <br />described real estate in the County of St. Joseph, State of Indiana, <br />to -wit: <br />Beginning at a point on the east line of Section 30, <br />T37N, R3E, 8.40.04 north of the south line of the <br />northeast quarter of Section 30; thence proceeding <br />south 420.42' along the east line of Section 30; <br />thence west parallel to south line of northeast <br />a distance of 500 feet; thence north 420.42' parallel <br />to the east line of Section 30; thence east 500' <br />parallel to the south line of the northeast k a <br />distance of 500' to the point of beginning. <br />all pursuant to the authority contained in the Acts of the Indiana <br />General Assembly for 1905, Chapter 129, Section 93, Page 219, as <br />amended by the Acts of the Indiana General Assembly of 1909 and 1913. <br />SECTION II. <br />after its adoptio <br />Indiana, approval <br />requirements. <br />Ist & 2nd READING — z G <br />MONTTEE OF THE WHOLE " <br />PUBLIC HEARING 2 - e (.o 6 <br />Id READING <br />NOT APPROVED <br />REFERRED <br />PASSED <br />This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect <br />a by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br />by the Mayor, and compliance with all statutory <br />Member of the Common Council <br />