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EXCERPTS FRO A SPECIAL IMETIR(l, OFr` <br />HELD AWUST is, 1A7,1 <br />Discussion of Ireland- luohigan Zoning <br />Mr. Wilson stated that the staff had talten,aaather look <br />at-the area on the o4sis of 'the comments made at the public <br />hearing. The projected land use for the area would consist <br />of light industrial, commercial and resideptial. It is <br />felt that the area will be in a state of transition to <br />light industrial :and .commercial over be next few yearar <br />It is Important. that the tr aitj,srried <br />out in an orderly "16ikiier and that t_r it vemaiats into <br />and out of thepropaaad, developa►enta trp eontsol�ad g o, that <br />points of conflict are kept to a mintuul.,, The Greg alpng <br />Ireland Road east`;of Michigan 1a alyd�r °coAgeated one and <br />the uncontrolled 'Qevelopment of these'p8rcba could lead to <br />a very serious traffic accident location. ;The matter of <br />C -2 Commercial zoning for this :property ,VasAia0uased:And <br />it was felt that there was merit in such a proposal eince <br />minimum areas of 3 acres would be required.' It was pointed' <br />out that zoning of the remainder of the area on the basis. <br />,of existing uses would provide the necessary immediate <br />control. <br />After considerable discussion it was moved by Dean Royster, <br />seconded by Mr. Sharp and unanimously carried that the <br />property east of Michigan Street for a depth of 1046.69,feet <br />more or less and North of Ireland Road for a depth of 490 <br />feet, more or less be zoned "C -2" Commercial; that those <br />lots,fronting on the west side of Michigan Street be <br />zoned "C" Commercial and the remainder of the area be zoned <br />"A" Residential with all the area having an "A" Height and <br />Area District. <br />