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STAFF REPORT March 12, 2001 <br />Brick Road L.L.C., Michigan Limited Liability Co. 2058-01 <br />Location: 23260 Brick Road <br />City of South Bend <br />REQUESTED ACTION: The petitioners are requesting a zone change <br />from "R" Residential (County Zoning) to "BP" <br />Business Park District to allow uses permitted <br />in "BP" Business Park District. <br />EXISTING LAND USE: <br />The property currently contains a farmstead. <br />SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: Located to the north and east are <br />single-family homes zoned "R" Residential and <br />to the south and west is vacant land zoned <br />"B-P" Business Park. <br />ACCESS: Access to the site is from Brick Road. <br />WATER SOURCE/SEWAGE DISPOSAL: Water and sewer will be available to the site. <br />DRAINAGE: The drainage has not been addressed by the <br />petitioner. <br />SITE DATA: The total site to be rezoned is 7.5 acres. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL DATA: A check of the Agency's maps indicates that no <br />flood hazards, wetlands or environmental <br />hazard areas are present. A public well is <br />located southeast of the site. <br />SITE PLAN: The site plan is preliminary. <br />AGENCY COMMENTS: The City Engineer will require a drainage plan <br />at the final site plan stage. <br />PRELIMINARY <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on information available prior to the <br />public hearing, the staff recommends that this <br />petition be sent to the Common Council with a <br />favorable recommendation, subject to a final <br />site plan that shows access to this site from <br />the "BP" zoned property rather than Brick <br />Road. The proposed rezoning to "BP" Business <br />Park would be in keeping with zoning and <br />allowed uses to the south and west. The "BP" <br />Business Park regulations contain extensive <br />screening and setback requirements which were <br />specially designed to protect adjacent <br />residential areas from any negative effects <br />that might be generated by business use. <br />