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along the present City Limits line a distance of two hundred <br />ninety -one and sixty hundredths (291.60) feet to the North- <br />east corner of Lot No. 8 in part of Marshall Height Subdivi- <br />sion; thence due East along the present City Limits line <br />which line is also the South Boundary line of Twyckenham <br />Hills Section "L" Subdivision, a distance of eight hundred <br />ninety -eight and sixty -five hundredths (898.65) feet more <br />or less, to the Southeast corner of Lot 467A in Twyckenham <br />Hills Section. "L" Subdivision; thence due East forty (40) <br />feet to the centerline of Ironwood Road and the point of <br />beginning, containing seventy -eight (78) acres, all in <br />Section Nineteen (19), Township Thirty -seven North (T37N), <br />Range T1rE-18 East (R3E) , Portage Township and Section Thirty <br />(30), TownshipThirty -seven North (T37N), Range Three East <br />(R3E), Centre Township and Sections Twenty (20) and Twenty - <br />nine (29), Township Thirty -seven North (T37N), Range Three <br />East (R3E), Penn Township, St. Joseph County, Indiana. <br />SECTION 2: Be it further ordained by the Common Council of the <br />City of South Bend, Indiana, that for a period of three (3) years <br />after annexation shall take effect one -half (z) of all municipal <br />property taxes to be imposed upon the annexed territory shall be <br />impounded and placed in a special fund solely for the benefit of <br />such annexed territory, its property owners and inhabitants, in <br />the extension of municipal services and benefits and the making <br />of municipal or public improvements in the annexed territory. <br />SECTION 3: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from <br />and after its enactment, approval by the Mayor, and le4al <br />publication. <br />Z L <br />MEMBER OF THE COMMON COUNCIL <br />let & 2nd READING 2 -27-67 <br />OOMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE <br />PUBLIC HEARING 5- 27 -68, continued 6- 10 -68, 6 -24 -68 <br />3rd READING 6 -24 -68 <br />NOT APPROVED <br />REFERRED 2-27-67, Annexation Committee <br />PASSED 6 -24 -68 <br />