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North Side E. Corby running approximately the 2900 block eastward to 3100 block. <br />Indiana; <br />Section 1 <br />ORDINANCE NO. 5014 -68 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3702 <br />COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />Be it ordained by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br />That the following described real estate in the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana, to -wit: <br />Ist & 2nd READIH6 4 -22 -68 <br />COtf,AfITTEE OF THE WNG11 <br />A part of the South half (1/2) of the North East One - quarter <br />(1/4) of Section Five (5), Township Thirty -seven (37) North, <br />Range Three (3) East bounded by a line running as follows: <br />Beginning at South West corner of North East Quarter (1/4) <br />of Section Five (5), Township Thirty -seven (37) North, <br />Range Three (3) East, thence running East along the East and <br />West center line of Section Five (5) 344.76 feet; thence North <br />1298.95 feet; thence West 344.1 feet to the North and South <br />center line of Section Five (5); thence South along said North <br />and South centerline 1296.8 feet to the place of beginning, <br />containing 10.262 acres and being Tract No. 8 on a Plat of <br />Partition of South Half (1/2) of North East Quarter (1/4) of <br />Section Five (5), Township and Range aforesaid. <br />And also: <br />A part of the North East Quarter (1/4) of Section Number Five <br />(5), Township Number Thirty -seven (37) North, Range Number <br />Three (3) East, which part is bounded by a line running as <br />follows, viz: Beginning on the East and West center line of <br />said Section, at a point two thousand sixteen (2016) feet West <br />of the South East corner of the North East Quarter (1/4) of said <br />Section Number Five (5), thence running North Thirteen Hundred <br />One and Ten Hundredths (1301. 10) feet; thence West Three <br />Hundred Thirty -six (336) feet; thence South Twelve Hundred <br />Ninety -eight and Ninety -five Hundredths (1298.95) feet to the <br />said center line; thence East along said centerline Three <br />Hundred Thirty -six (336) feet to the place of beginning, con- <br />taining Ten and Twenty -seven Thousandths (10.027) acres, more <br />or less, and being ]mown as Tract Number Seven (7) on a plat of <br />a partition of the South Half (1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) <br />of said Section Number Five (5), Township and Range aforesaid. <br />Together with and subject to a right of way Thirty (30) feet in <br />PUBLIC HEARING 5- 1.1 -68 , 6 -24 -68 <br />3rd READING 6 -24 -68 <br />HOT APPROVED <br />REFERRM 5 -13 -68 Area Plan <br />PASSED 6 -24 -68 <br />