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PETITION TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE <br />(FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY) Application No. <br />Date Filed with City Clerk or County Auditor <br />Date Received by the Area Plan Commission <br />NOTICE: THIS PETITION MUST BE <br />READ THE INSTRUCTIONS <br />REMAINDER OF FORM. <br />TYPEWRITTEN OR PRINTED IN INK. <br />CAREFULLY BEFORE COMPLETING <br />I 011e.)' the undersigned, do hereby respectfully make <br />application and petition the Common Council of the City of South Bend <br />to amend the Zoning Ordinance-737 e 1 y o Sou Be; <br />as hereinafter requested, and in suppor of this appl cationiana <br />the following facts are shown: <br />1. The property sought to be rezoned is located at <br />Between the East shore of the St. Joseph River and the Michigan <br />Central Railroad right -of -way, approximately 200 feet North of <br />the Angela Bridge. <br />2. The property is owned by <br />Whitcomb and Keller, Inc. <br />3.- A legal description of the property is as follows: <br />A tract of land lying in the Southeast quarter of Section 35, <br />Township 38 North, Range 2 East, in Portage Township, St. Joseph <br />County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the intersection of the East edge of the St. Joseph <br />River and the South line of said Section 35, said south line <br />being also the north right of way line of the Michigan Central <br />Railroad, thence northerly and easterly along said East edge of <br />the St. Joseph River to a point that is 200 feet north of said <br />south line of Section 35, thence East, parallel to said south <br />line of Section 35 to a point on the West right of way line of <br />the Michigan Central Railroad, thence southerly and westerly <br />along said right of way line to the point of beginning. <br />FILED IN E- FDIC °s OFFICE <br />FEB 18 1969 <br />(CONTINUE ON THE REVERSE SIDE IF NECESSARY) KATHRYN L. SLOUGH <br />CiY CLERK, SOUTH BEND, IND. <br />