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REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 19, 2013 378 <br />APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 — EDISON ROAD TURN LANE AT GORDON DRIVE <br />—PROJECT NO. 110 -079 (LRSA) <br />Mr. Gilot advised that Mr. Toy Villa, Engineering, has submitted Change Order No. 1 on behalf <br />of Walsh & Kelly, Inc., 24358 State Road 23, South Bend, Indiana 46614, indicating the contract <br />amount be increased by $8,479.14 for a modified contract sum, including this Change Order, in <br />the amount of $373,345.34 and a time extension of five (5) days for a new completion date of <br />December 5, 2013. Upon a motion made by Mr. Henthorn, seconded by Mr. Relos and carried, <br />the Change Order was approved. <br />TABLE CHANGE ORDER NO 1 (FINAL) AND PROJECT COMPLETION AFFIDAVIT — <br />MICHIGAN STREET LIFT STATION REPLACEMENT — PROJECT NO. 111 -008 <br />ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES/ EDIT <br />Mr. Gilot advised that Mr. Jacob Klosinski, Environmental Services, has submitted Change <br />Order No. 1 (Final) on behalf of John Boettcher Sewer & Excavating indicating the contract <br />amount be decreased by $1,421.16 for a modified contract sum, including this Change Order, of <br />$489,879.80. Additionally submitted was the Project Completion Affidavit indicating this new <br />final cost of $489,879.80. Mr. Klosinski asked to address the Board. He explained that the <br />contractor is a very qualified contractor, but due to several issues beyond their control, they <br />finished the project twenty -five days (25) after schedule and the contract calls for liquidated <br />damages. Mr. Klosinski explained that they were able to save money when a 24" abandoned <br />water main was discovered that the contractor could use. He noted this added seven (7) days to <br />the project, but was a substantial savings. Mr. John Boettcher, Boettcher Sewer & Excavating, <br />informed the Board that he has had challenges in getting submittals from the suppliers. He noted <br />the pumps are manufactured in Sweden which added to the delay. Mr. Boettcher stated the first <br />submittal from their supplier was not correct and had to be re- submitted, which took additional <br />time due to the supplier having issues getting the paperwork done. Mr. Boettcher stated it took <br />one - hundred and twenty -five (125) days for the build and delivery to the site, and the project <br />completion allowed one - hundred and sixty -five (165) days for the entire project. Mr. Klosinski <br />stated he is requesting that the Board consider an extension of seven (7) days for the project to <br />cover the re -use of the water main time and the resulting savings. He noted that would take the <br />contractor to the substantial completion date. He noted the first submittals were due on May 8, <br />received on May 30 and rejected for missing information, and subsequently not received until the <br />end of July. Mr. Klosinski stated the liquidated damages need to be reviewed. Attorney Greene <br />stated the entire contract and scoping should be reviewed before approval. Mr. Gilot added he is <br />hesitant to impose liquidated damages when the contractor shows good faith effort. Upon a <br />motion made by Mr.' Gilot, seconded by Mr. Henthorn and carried, Change Order No. I (Final) <br />and the Project Completion Affidavit were tabled until the next Board of Works meeting for <br />further review. The Board authorized the release of payments for work completed, but retainage <br />held until further review. <br />TABLE APPROVAL OF PROJECT COMPLETION AFFIDAVIT — CURB AND SIDEWALK <br />CONSTRUCTION (2013 CURB AND SIDEWALK PROGRAM) — PROJECT NO. 113 -OIID <br />(MVH) <br />Mr. Gilot advised that Mr. Paul South, Street Department, has requested this item be tabled for <br />now. Upon a motion made by Mr. Gilot, seconded by Mr. Henthorn and carried, the Project <br />Completion Affidavit was tabled. <br />APPROVE PROJECT COMPLETION AFFIDAVIT — CROOKED EWE SIDEWALK <br />IMPROVEMENTS — PROJECT NO. 113 -041 (AEDA TIF) <br />Mr. Gilot advised that Mr. Toy Villa, Engineering, has submitted the Project Completion <br />Affidavit on behalf of Ortiz Concrete, 530 Pulaski Street, South Bend, Indiana 46619, for the <br />above referenced project, indicating a final cost of $41,354.00. Upon a motion made by Mr. <br />Relos, seconded by Mr. Henthorn and carried, the Project Completion Affidavit was approved. <br />APPROVE PROJECT COMPLETION AFFIDAVIT — EDISON ROAD CENTER TURN <br />LANE AT GORDON DRIVE — PROJECT NO. 110 -079 (LRSA) <br />Mr. Gilot advised that Mr. Toy Villa, Engineering, has submitted the Project Completion <br />Affidavit on behalf of Walsh & Kelly, Inc., 24358 State Road 23, South Bend, Indiana 46614, <br />for the above referenced project, indicating a final cost of $373,345.34. Upon a motion made by <br />Mr. Relos, seconded by Mr. Henthorn and carried, the Project Completion Affidavit was <br />approved. <br />