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STATE OF INDIANA <br />COUNTY OF ST, JOSEPH <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />Temporary Loan Warrant <br />(General Fund) <br />For value received, the City of South Bend, in St. Joseph County, <br />Indiana, will pay to the bearer hereof, being , <br />$ on or before , 19 at the office of the <br />City Treasurer in said City upon presentation and surrender of this warrant. <br />This warrant evidences a temporary loan to the City together with interest <br />on the principal amount of said loan not in excess of 6% per annum, computed <br />from the date of issuance to the date of maturity thereof. <br />This warrant is one of an issue in an aggregation of $ <br />authorized by an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, authorizing the making of a temporary loan for the General Fund and <br />the issuance and sale of warrants of the City for such purpose," duly passed <br />and adopted by the Common Council of said City, on the day of , <br />19_1 and in strict accordance with an act entitled "An Act concerning Muni- <br />cipal Corporations," in force April 15, 1905, and all other acts amendatory <br />thereof or supplemental thereto, for the purpose of procuring a temporary <br />loan for the General Fund of said City. <br />This warrant is issued in anticipation of the tax levy made for said <br />General Fund, collectable in the year 19_, which tax levy is now in the <br />course of collection; and, to the payment of the warrant and the interest <br />hereon, a sufficient amount of the revenues to be derived from said tax <br />levy has been and is hereby appropriated and pledged. <br />It is hereby certified that in the issuance of this warrant all <br />provisions of the Constitution and statutes of the State of Indiana re- <br />lating thereto have been complied with, and that the tax levy from the <br />proceeds of which this warrant and the interest hereon is payable, is a <br />valid and legal levy, and that the City will reserve a sufficient amount <br />of the proceeds thereof for the payment of this warrant and the interest <br />hereon. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The City of South Bend has caused this warrant <br />to be signed in its corporate name by its Mayor, countersigned by its City <br />Controller, and has caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and <br />attached by its City Clerk, as of the day of 19 <br />ATTEST: <br />CITY CLERK <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />O.Visiq <br />CITY CONTROLLER <br />EP!: <br />