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ORDINANCE NO. 5273 -71 <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE <br />WATER WORKS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />AND GAMON- CALMET INDUSTRIES INC. OF FLORENCE, <br />KENTUCKY FOR THE PURCHASE OF AN ASSORTMENT OF <br />WATER METERS FOR USE FROM FEBRUARY 7, 1971 TO <br />FEBRUARY 7, 1972, IN THE AMOUNT OF $9,257.94. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA: <br />SECTION I: That the contract entered into between the Water Works <br />of the City of South Bend, Indiana and Gamon - Calmet Industries Inc. <br />of Florence, Kentucky, on the 16th day of February 1971, pursuant to <br />advertising and receipt of bids as the purchase of same is required <br />in the operation of said Water Works, in a total quantity and a total <br />cost not to exceed the quantity and cost itemized for each classifica- <br />tion of water meters in the amount of $9,257.94, is hereby approved <br />and confirmed. <br />25 1 1/2" Disc Meters w /Connections $3,325.00 <br />10 2" Disc Meters w /Connections 2,046.70 <br />2 6" Compound Disc Meters 3,886.24 <br />TOTAL $9,257.94 <br />SECTION II: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from <br />and after its adoption and approval by the Mayor. <br />1st & 2nd READING 2-22-71 <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 3 -8 -71 <br />PUBLIC HEARING 3 -8 -71 <br />3rd READING 3 -8 -71 <br />NOT APPROVED <br />REFERRED <br />PASSED 3 -8 -71 <br />Memt of the he Co Council <br />FED IN CLERK'S OFFS <br />FED 1 ' 197/1 <br />KATHRYN L. BLCUGH <br />.1iY CLERK, SOUTH BEND, IND. <br />