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PETITION TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE, <br />(FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY) Application No. <br />Date Filed with City Clerk or County Auditor 9 <br />Date Received by the Area Plan Commission J - 2 <br />NOTICE: THIS PETITION MUST BE TYPEWRITTEN OR PRINTED IN INK. <br />S <br />READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE COMPLE TING <br />REMAINDER OF FORM. <br />I (We ). the undersigned, do hereby respectfully make <br />application and petition the common Council of the City f1south Bend, Indiana, <br />to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City 2f South Ben d2' na <br />as hereinafter requested, and in Fu_pp_0A of this application.. <br />the following facts are shown: <br />1. The property sought to be rezoned is located at <br />2417 East,2tdjs6a=Road, South Bend, Indiana <br />KATKYN L. V OUGH <br />(CONTINUE ON THE REVERSE SIDE IF NECESSARY) <br />2. The property Is owned by <br />Hoffman Bros. Auto Electric, Inc. <br />1101 East Madison Street <br />South Bend, Indiana 46617 <br />3. A legal description of the property is as follows: <br />the South half. <br />Two acres taken off of and from the East side of <br />of Twenty-six (26) acres taken off of and from the West side of <br />the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 32, <br />Township 38 North, Range 3 East, more particularly described as <br />follows: Beginning at a point on the South line of the southwest <br />quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 32, 726 feet East <br />of the Southwest corner thereof; thpnce North 660 feet; thence <br />East 132 feet; thence South 660 fee thence West 132 feet to the t <br />point of beginning; subject to 40 feet off of the entire South <br />etd thereof for right-of-way for Edison Road. <br />F4 <br />FILED IN CIERK'S IFFICE <br />MAY <br />KATKYN L. V OUGH <br />(CONTINUE ON THE REVERSE SIDE IF NECESSARY) <br />