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7. Except at established entrances and exits serving the mobile <br />home park, a dense greenbelt of evergreen trees and /or shrubs, <br />not less than six (6) feet high after one full growing season <br />and which at maturity is not less than twelve (12) feet high, <br />shall be located and effectively maintained at all times <br />along the boundary of said mobile home park. <br />8. The mobile home park shall be adequately lighted as determined <br />by the South Bend Board of Public Works. <br />a. All lights shall be located and shielded in such a manner <br />as to prevent direct illumination of sleeping areas and <br />any area outside of the mobile home park. <br />9. The minimum distance between any mobile home and any other <br />mobile home or structure shall be 10 feet at any one point and <br />average at least 20 feet the entire length or width of each <br />mobile home or structure. Each mobile home shall be at least <br />10 feet back from the edge of the pavement of a private roadway <br />within the park and at least 20 feet from the property line <br />of the mobile home park. <br />10. Each mobile home lot shall be provided with a foundation <br />designed to support the maximum anticipated loads during all <br />seasons and approved by the Building Commissioner. When solid <br />concrete slabs are not used, the area between the foundation <br />shall be filled with a four (4) inch layer of washed rock. <br />11. No Mobile Home Park Office, mobile home, service building or <br />structure shall be closer to a public street right -a -way than <br />40 feet. <br />12. Off street parking must be provided to accommodate at least <br />1.5 vehicles per mobile home lot. There shall be conveniently <br />located area(s) for visitor parking at a ratio of .5 spaces <br />per lot with a minimum of 25 spaces provided per park. <br />13. All roads within a mobile home park must have a concrete or <br />hot or cold bituminous concrete surface of at least 20 feet <br />in width. <br />a. Entrance roads must have a pavement width of at least <br />thirty -four (34) feet. <br />14. No addition shall be made to a mobile home except a canopy <br />and /or porch open on three sides or an addition made by the <br />mobile home manufacturer. <br />15. At least two hundred and fifty (250) square feet per mobile <br />home lot, not to include streets, parking areas, park service <br />area and not a part of the mobile home lots, shall be provided <br />in one or more locations on the premises for recreation <br />purposes. The minimum of such a recreation area(s) shall be <br />20,000 square feet or the above whichever is greater. <br />(4) <br />