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"The city is hereby divided into the nine districts aforesaid, <br />and the boundaries of such districts are shown upon the "use district <br />map ". Such map and all the notations, references and other things <br />shown thereon are hereby made a part of this chapter as if the matters <br />and things set forth by such map were all fully described herein." <br />SECTION III. That a new Section 40 -17.1 be added to the <br />Municipal Code of the City of South Bend, Indiana, which would become <br />Section 4A of Ordinance 4990 -68 (Section 4A of Ordinance No. 3702) <br />reading as follows: <br />"B -1" Residential District <br />A. Intent. The intent of this section is: <br />1. To establish a residential district in which the uses and <br />regulations are restricted to permit the development of mobile <br />home parks and subdivisions, and <br />2. To permit the development of mobile home parks and subdivisions <br />in a manner which protects and preserves property values of <br />adjacent properties, and <br />3. To establish standards which will permit mobile home parks <br />and subdivisions to become an asset to the community. <br />B. Permitted Uses <br />In the "B -1" Residential District no building, premises, or dwel- <br />ling shall be used and no building or dwelling shall be erected, <br />moved, structurally altered, or enlarged, which is intended or <br />designed to be used in whole or in partforoderthan one or more of <br />the following specified uses: <br />1. Mobile home park. <br />2. Mobile Home Subdivision. <br />3. Single family dwelling within a mobile home subdivision <br />provided they meet all regulations adopted by the City of <br />South Bend. <br />4. Accessory buildings customarily incidental to any of the uses <br />permitted within this district. <br />5. Self- service laundry establishments, provided: <br />a. Said use is located within a mobile home park and is so <br />placed as to be intended only for the use of the residents <br />within the park and shall not present any visible evidence <br />of its commercial nature to areas outside the park. <br />b. Signs identifying self- service laundry establishments <br />shall be limited to one per establishment not to exceed <br />two (2) square feet in size, not having direct lighting, <br />and be for identification purposes only. <br />C. There shall be two (2) improved off street parking spaces <br />or one per three (3) principal operating machines, which- <br />ever is greater. <br />(2) <br />