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Northwest Corner of <br />Washinqton & Chapin Streets <br />ORDINANCE NO. 5280 -71 <br />AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE AND <br />CONVEYANCE OF A PARCEL OF REAL ESTATE <br />LOCATED IN THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, AND OWNED BY THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />WHEREAS, the Municipal City of South Bend is the owner of <br />the hereinafter described parcel of real estate located in the City <br />of South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana, and <br />WHEREAS, the said parcel of real estate herein described <br />is conducive to no public use by the Municipal City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, and in the best interests.of said City should be sold. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Common Council of the <br />City of South Bend, Indiana: <br />SECTION I. That the following described parcel of real estate situate <br />in the County of St. Joseph, City of South Bend, Indiana, and owned by <br />said City, to -wit: <br />A part of Lot 4 in Mary Witherill's Sub- <br />division of Bank Out Lot 32, described <br />as follows: Beginning at the Northwest <br />corner of Lot 4; thence East 28.50 feet <br />along the North line of said Lot 4; thence <br />Southwesterly 43.60 feet along a line with <br />a deflection angle of 96 degrees 37 minutes <br />40 seconds right from the last described <br />course extended; thence Southwesterly <br />156.30 feet along an arc to the right <br />having a radius of 909.93 feet and sub- <br />tended by a long chord having a length <br />of 156.03 feet with a deflection angle <br />of 1 degree 06 minutes 24 seconds right <br />from the last described course extended <br />to a point on the South line of Lot 4; <br />thence West 0.37 feet along the South line <br />of Lot 4 to the Southwest corner of said <br />Lot 4; thence North 198.00 feet along the <br />West line of Lot 4 to the point of beginning, <br />containing 3,272 square feet, more or less. <br />shall be sold pursuant to the authority of the Acts of the Indiana <br />General Assembly of 1905, ch. 129, §53. <br />SECTION II. The Mayor of the City of South Bend is hereby directed <br />and authorized in the name of the City of South Bend to execute any <br />