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FAST SIllE LITTLE LEAGUF_ <br />(recreational use in "SFl") <br />SPECIAL E\CEPTION PURSUANT 21-09.3(D) <br />BOARD OF ZONING APPL-ALS <br />C'I"I'l' OF SOUTII BEND, INDIANA <br />FINDINCIS OF FAC"1- <br />1 . TI-I L= PROPOSED L'SE \\'ll_L NOT BL- IN.IURIOUS TO THL- PUBLIC ]-IEALTH. SAFETY, COMFORT, <br />C'O`1~'11.1NI"I'1' MOP..AL STANDARDS. CONVL-NIENCE OR GENERAL WELFARE BECAUSE: <br />Development and use as presented will comply with all huildin~„ t7re safety, traffic, and parking regulations as to <br />nut being injurious to the puUlic health, safety, murals, and general welfare of [he COlllmtl111ty. <br />3. "fl-1L PROPOSED USG \VILL NOT IN.ILIP.E OP. ADVERSELY AFFECT THE USE OF "I HE ADJACENT <br />ARE.~\ OR PROI'L-RTl' \'ALLIES TI-IEP.EIN BECAUSE: <br />"1'he variance or use shall improve the appearance o1-the neighborhood and will not devalue the surrounding <br />pl'l)pCl'l ICS. <br />_. THE PP.OI'OSED US'E \\'ILL BL- CONSISTENT WITI-I TI-IE CI-IAP.ACTER OF THE DISTR/C'T 1N WI-ITCH <br />IT IS LOCATED AND THE LAND USES AUTI-IORIZED TI-IEREIN BECAUSE: <br />Bein~_ that the petition is only temporary. it will not affect the value of the sun-ounding properties. <br />=F. TI-IE PROPOSED USE IS COMPATIBLE WITI-I TI-IE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY OF SOUTI-I <br />BEND C'0~1lPR6h'ENSII E PI_,=1IY BECAUSE: <br />It is the feeling of the Board that the variance is blending into the overal] Comprehensive Plan and is not <br />deviatin_ 1i-om it's intent. <br />CONDITIONS OP. RL-~'ISIONS: <br />DECISION <br />IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Board that this request for Special Exception shall he passed onto the City of South <br />Bend Common Council with a: F-4~'ORAI3LE RECO)\'IME1~'DATION <br />.ADOP-I-ED this 19"fH Dav oP.IUNE. 3005 <br />l"ES NO <br />® RICHARD KILBASE <br />® CHRISTOPI-I I-IOFFMAN <br />® DA\'ID SASSANO <br />® MAURICE HOBAN <br />® ELON'DA ~\'ILDER-HAMILTON <br />