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Staff Report <br />11/7/2013 <br />23,329 square feet or 30% of the site. There is perimeter landscaping around the entire <br />project boundary, foundation landscaping in front of all the buildings, and parking <br />screening between the parking spaces and the street. Open space is 31,810 square feet or <br />42% of the site. <br />Zoning and Land Use History And Trends: <br />This site was originally rezoned in 2007 for 32 residential units in 7 buildings with 32 <br />garage spaces and 33 surface parking spaces. In February 2011, a Final Site Plan was <br />approved by the Commission for a 32 unit, 64 bedroom project in five buildings with 65 <br />parking spaces. Additionally, a written commitment regarding ownership and occupancy <br />as well as elevation renderings were made part of the approval. <br />Traffic and Transportation Considerations: <br />Notre Dame Avenue and Sorin Street both have two lanes. <br />Utilities: <br />The site will be served by City water and sewer. <br />Agency Comments: <br />The Department of Community Investment gives a favorable recommendation, but <br />suggests additional landscaping, better pedestrian connectivity between buildings and bike <br />racks. <br />Commitments: <br />The petitioner will be entering into commitments with the Northeast Neighborhood <br />Revitalization Organization (NNRO) restricting the number of bedrooms to 84 and <br />restricting the rental of the dwelling units to graduate students, as that term is defined by <br />the University of Notre Dame. <br />Criteria to be considered in reviewing rezoning requests, per IC 36 -7 -4 -603: <br />1. Comprehensive Plan: <br />Policy Plan: <br />City of South Bend - City Plan, November 2006 <br />LU 2.1: Encourage developers to use planned unit and traditional neighborhood <br />development models to promote land use compatibility in future developments. <br />ED 1.2: Encourage reuse of abandoned and underutilized land and structures. <br />Land Use Plan: <br />The Future Land Use Map recommends this area for medium density residential. <br />Plan Implementation/Other Plans: <br />The Northeast Neighborhood Development Area Plan (2003) identifies the majority of the <br />neighborhood as single family home ownership preservation. The northwest comer of <br />Notre Dame Avenue and Sorin Street is not located within any of the sub -areas. <br />2. Current Conditions and Character: <br />The buildings on this site are in various stages of construction. Darby Row, across Notre <br />Dame Avenue, was built in 2012. Many of the single family homes are being advertised <br />as student rentals. <br />APC # 2685 -13 Page 2 of 3 <br />