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AREA PLAN COMMISSION <br />OF ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, IND. <br />Peter Nemeth, President <br />Common Council of the <br />City of South Bend <br />County -City Building <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />HOWARD BELLINGER. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR <br />ROOM 1219 COUNTY -CITY BUILDING <br />22l W. JEFFERSON BLVD., SOUTH BEND, INDIANA 48801 <br />(219) 284 -9571 <br />May 24, 1972 <br />In Re: Amendment to Zoning Ordinance of the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana - Article 7, Rezoning Procedures <br />Dear Mr. Nemeth: <br />Please be advised that the Area Plan Commission, on <br />May 16, 1972, held a public hearing on the ordinance amend- <br />ing the Zoning Ordinance of the City of South Bend, Indiana <br />"Article 7, Rezoning Procedures." <br />I have enclosed a copy of the ordinance which includes <br />amendments worked out in earlier conference with you and At- <br />torney Kevin Butler. Please note the amendments have been <br />underlined for your convenience. <br />Following due consideration, a motion was made by <br />Dwight Miller and seconded by Russell Rothermel and unani- <br />mously carried recommending favorably to the Common Council, <br />the subject ordinance with the following recommended re- <br />visions: <br />1. Sec. 21 -118 -3 This item should read as follows: <br />"(3) A member of the Common 00uncil, to that Council. <br />This is consistent with State Enabling Act, Page 15, #52 <br />Item (1). <br />2. Sec. 21 -119 This paragraph should read as follows: <br />III the case of an amendment proposed and recommended by the <br />Commission, the Council has 60 days in which to adopt or re- <br />ject said recommendation. If the Council has not adopted <br />or rejected said recommendation within 60 days after the Com- <br />mission's recommendation the amendment shall be deemed ap- <br />proved as recommended and the ordinance submitted with the peti- <br />tion shall have the force and effect of law." <br />3. Sec. 21- 120- 4.C.1. This item should read as fol- <br />lows: <br />(4.C.1) ... unless the petitioner makes request to the -Com- <br />mission in writing for additional time. <br />