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'PAGE'-FIVE. <br />to the site development plan certified by the <br />seal of the Commission is not commenced within <br />twelve (12) months after the amendment to the <br />zoning ordinance becomes law; provided, however, <br />an extension of time not to exceed six (6) months <br />may be granted if the Commission determines that <br />the petitioner, or his successor in title, has <br />diligently pursued the project. <br />5. In the case of a rezoning amendment submitted <br />to the Council by the Commission and in the case <br />of a petition submitted by property owners and <br />recommended by the Commission to the Council for <br />approval, if the Council rejects or amends the <br />ordinance accompanying the amendment or petition <br />then such amendment or petition shall be returned <br />to the Commission for its consideration with a <br />formal notification of and a written statement of <br />the reasons for such rejection or amendment. <br />A. if the Commission approves a Council amendment <br />or fails to submit a report on an amendment <br />within forty -five (45) days after formal <br />notification from the Council, then the amended <br />ordinance shall be effective as of the date <br />of the recording of the Commission's approval <br />or failure to act with the Council. <br />B. If the Commission fails to submit a report on <br />a Council rejection within forty -five (45) <br />days after formal notification from the Council, <br />then the ordinance shall be deemed rejected. <br />C. If the Commission disapproves a Council amend- <br />ment, then the amended ordinance shall be <br />effective only if confirmed by a majority vote <br />of the Council within forty -five (45) days <br />after receipt of the Commission's report <br />by the Council. <br />D. If the Commission disapproves a Council <br />rejection, then the original ordinance shall <br />be deemed effective as law unless, within <br />forty -five (45) days after receipt of the <br />Commission's report by the Council, the <br />Council confirms its rejection by majority vote. <br />6. The rezoning ordinance subject to the site <br />development plan shall constitute a limitation <br />on the use of the premises therein contained and <br />shall be binding on all persons. <br />7. Any person who fails to conform to the provisions <br />of the rezoning ordinance subject to the site <br />development plan shall be ordered to cease and <br />desist by the Building Commissioner and failing to <br />do so, shall be required by the Commission to show <br />cause, if any he has, why approval should not be <br />withdrawn, his building permit revoked, and the <br />original zoning classification reinstated. <br />"Sec. 21 -121 Notice and Public Hearing. <br />Before the Commission submits to the Council any petition for <br />rezoning or a report on a proposed rezoning amendment requested <br />by the Common Council, the Commission shall hold a public hearing <br />on the same, notice of which shall be published in a newspaper of <br />general circulation in the City of South Bend, Indiana, at least <br />ten (10) days prior to the date set for such public hearing. <br />Petitioners shall pay such processing and advertising costs as shall <br />be established by the Commission." <br />