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THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this %3 day of <br />U�crMC3�/2 , <br />1971 , by and between the Civil City of South <br />Bend, acting through its Board of Public Works and Safety, here- <br />inafter referred to as "City ", and St. Joseph County, Indiana, <br />acting through its Board of Commissioners, hereinafter referred to <br />as "County", <br />WITNESSETH THAT: <br />Whereas, City for some years has been operating a sani- <br />tary landfill operation which it now intends to discontinue; and <br />Whereas, included among the equipment used by City in <br />the operation of its sanitary landfill is one Caterpillar D 7 Ser- <br />ies E Bulldozer, Serial No. SIN 48A2485, with "U" shaped blade and <br />all weather cab, which Bulldozer is no longer needed by City, and <br />which has been appraised by an independent appraiser at a value of <br />$20,000; and, <br />Whereas, County is now operating a sanitary landfill and <br />needs a bulldozer of this type for use in the operation of same; <br />and, <br />Whereas, the City is presently using the County's land- <br />fill and will continue to use same for the indefinite future for <br />the disposition of garbage and other refuse collected by City; and <br />Whereas, City pays County for such services at the same <br />rates charged by County to other customers, <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, and <br />the mutual agreements hereinafter contained, it is now agreed by <br />and between the parties hereto, as follows: <br />1. City agrees to sell and County agrees to buy the <br />above described bulldozer for the sum of $20,000.00. <br />2. County shall pay for said bulldozer by allowing City <br />a credit of $20,000 to be applied to City's bill for use of County's <br />landfill. <br />