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(2) <br />The 20% discount is believed to be a direct result of the second item. It <br />should be noted that under current ordinances and in the absence of the current <br />contract, Notre Dame could be: <br />1. Required to install adequate meter(s) to measure their sewage. <br />2. Charged for the actual amount of sewage they produce. <br />3. Assessed a 50% surcharge for beign outside of the City limits. <br />The ordinance before you in regard to this sewage meter does not purport to <br />completely resolve the problems which are outlined above. Since no revision of <br />the contract is possible before July, 1974, no gross change is anticipated in <br />the near term. However, installation of the meter at City expense would demonstrate <br />I <br />the williingness to meet Notre Dame halfway on this problem. In addition, facts <br />on sewage flow would replace the present speculation and educated estimates. <br />Notre,Dame has demonstrated by their actions in the past to pay for what they <br />have received in service. It is not unreasonable to assume that they would pay <br />for their'actual sewage production when the meter is installed and functioning. <br />Finally, the negotiations which can be anticipated in January 1973, could be <br />conducted with hard data to discuss. <br />Notre Dame has been alerted regarding our plans for this meter. They recommended <br />that we contact their architects so that duplicate facilities would not be con- <br />structed. Their architect was contacted and his information indicated long <br />range plans for a sewage meter existed but that the priority for this phase of <br />the entire project was extremely low <br />this meter by the City.. <br />They had no objection to construction of <br />In his comments on the proposed annexation of Notre Dame, Father Edmund Joyce, <br />Executive Vice- President of Notre Dame, stated that although Notre Dame was <br />outside of the city limits, it enjoyed no special priveledge. In the area of <br />sewage charges, Notre Dame may not be receiving a "Special Priveledge", but <br />apparently they are receiving a bargain. <br />