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ORDINANCE NO. 5329 -71 <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE <br />WATER WORKS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br />AND CLOW CORPORATION, BENSENVILLE, ILLINOIS, <br />FOR THE PURCHASE OF: I. CAST IRON OR DUCTILE <br />PIPE AND FITTINGS; II. MECHANICAL JOINT GATE <br />VALVES, IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $403,268.43. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA: <br />SECTION I: That the contract entered into between the City Water <br />Works of South Bend, Indiana, and the Clow Corporation, Bensenville, <br />Illinois, on the 2nd day of August, 1971 pursuant to advertising and <br />receipt of bids, as the purchase of same is required in the operation <br />of said Water Works in a total quantity and a total cost of not to <br />exceed the quantity and cost itemized for each classification here- <br />after listed in the total amount of $403,268.43, is hereby approved <br />and confirmed: <br />May 31. 1971 to Mav 31. 1972 <br />I. 1,000 <br />feet 16" Cast Iron or <br />Ductile <br />Pipe <br />$ <br />9,020.00 <br />10,000 <br />feet 12" Cast Iron or <br />Ductile <br />Pipe <br />58,100.00 <br />5,000 <br />feet 10" Cast Iron or <br />Ductile <br />Pipe <br />22,700.00 <br />10,000 <br />feet 8" Cast Iron or <br />Ductile <br />Pipe <br />34,600.00 <br />15,000 <br />feet 6" Cast Iron or <br />Ductile <br />Pipe <br />36,900.00 <br />4,000 <br />feet 4" Cast Iron or <br />Ductile <br />Pipe <br />6,640.00 <br />1,000 <br />feet 3" Cast Iron or <br />Ductile <br />Pipe <br />1,420.00 <br />$169,380.00 <br />20 Tons <br />Cast Iron or Ductile <br />Fittings <br />$ <br />14 700.00 <br />II. 4 16" <br />Mechanical Joint Gate <br />Valves <br />$ <br />3,956.12 <br />19 12" <br />Mechanical Joint Gate <br />Valves <br />4,148.08 <br />4 10" <br />Mechanical Joint Gate <br />Valves <br />691.32 <br />12 8" <br />Mechanical Joint Gate <br />Valves <br />1,335.96 <br />80 6" <br />Mechanical Joint Gate <br />Valves <br />5,762.40 <br />12 4" <br />Mechanical Joint Gate <br />Valves <br />670.68 <br />6 3" <br />Mechanical Joint Gate <br />Valves <br />271.80 <br />6 2" <br />Mechanical Joint Gate <br />Valves <br />184.14 <br />$ 17,020.50 <br />TOTAL AMOUNT $201,100.50 <br />