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ORDINANCE NO. 5328 -71 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING <br />ORDINANCE 4990 - CHAPTER 40 OF MUNICIPAL <br />CODE (FORMERLY ZONING ORDINANCE 3702) AS <br />AMENDED. <br />Be it enacted by the Common Council of the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana, that: <br />SECTION 1. - Ordinance 4990 - Chapter 40 of the <br />Municipal Code (Formerly Zoning Ordinance 3702) of the City <br />of South Bend, Indiana, be and the same is hereby amended, <br />supplemented, and changed to provide that the following <br />described real estate located in the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, to -wit: <br />A tract of Land located in Section 6, Township <br />37 North, Range 3 East, more particularly de- <br />scribed as follows: <br />Beginning at a point twenty (20) feet South of the <br />North One - quarter (1/4) corner of said Section 6; <br />thence North Eighty -nine degrees, forty -nine minutes, <br />forty -five seconds (890 49' 45 ") East, One Hundred <br />Ninety -one and Ninety -eight Hundredths (191.98) feet; <br />thence South Zero degrees, ten minutes, fifteen seconds <br />(00 10' 15 ") East, Forty and no hundredths (40.00) <br />feet; thence South Zero degrees, nine hundredths <br />minutes, forty -five seconds (00 09' 45 ") West, Fifty - <br />one and thirty -one hundredths (51.31) feet; thence <br />South Fifty -three degrees, sixteen minutes, thirty <br />seconds (530 16' 30 ") West, Five Hundred thirty and <br />twenty -one hundredths (530.21) feet to a point on the <br />West right of way line of Twyckenham Drive; thence <br />Northwesterly along the arc of a curve, with a deflection <br />angle of twenty -five degrees, forty -two minutes, three <br />hundredths seconds (250 42' 03 ") and a radius of One <br />hundred sixty and no hundredths (160.00) feet, an arc <br />distance of Ten and twenty -seven hundredths (10.27) <br />feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence <br />North Sixty -two degrees, twenty -five minutes, thirty - <br />three seconds (620 25' 33 ") West, One Hundred Six and <br />Twenty -seven Hundredths (106.27) feet to the point of <br />curvature of a curve with a deflection angle of Sixty - <br />two degrees, thirteen minutes, eighteen seconds <br />(620 13' 1811) to the right and a radius of Two Hundred <br />Forty and no hundredths (240.00) feet; thence North- <br />westerly along the arc of said curve an arc length of <br />Two Hundred Sixty and Sixty -three Hundredths (260.63) <br />feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence <br />North zero degrees, twelve minutes, fifteen seconds <br />