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Departm f# E :t lalic works <br />South Bdxiti,' indiatia <br />INTER - OFFICE MEMO <br />TO: Members of the Common Coun it <br />FROM: William J. Richardsonpj% <br />SUBJECT: Request for TransfVfe of Funds <br />oats April 16, 1473 <br />- Solid Waste Bureau <br />We are going to be asking for a transfer of funds in the amount of <br />$45,000.00 for the Bureau of Solid Waste. According to the State <br />statutes this can be done at one meeting without advertising and <br />without concurrance of the State Board of Tax Commissioners since <br />the overall gross budget is not being altared.. <br />Since we have had a larger number of customers than what was anti- <br />cipated, we have had to put six additional men to work in the Bureau. <br />The costs for these six men, at a $150.00 per week for 38 weeks, is <br />$34,200.00. I have asked for an additional $10,800.00 in overtime <br />and extra help since we are finding that the initial cleanup of the <br />City is taking more than 8 hours per day. We are also going to run <br />into the problem of where we must pay our men for the Saturday clean- <br />up-work and then wait to -be reimbursed through the billing procedure. <br />We have no way of knowing, at this time, how much Saturday work we <br />are going to have to pay for until the complaint and enforcement pro- <br />cedure is ironed out. Quite frankly, we are doing the best right now <br />to keep our heads above water and haven't given much consideration to <br />the special complaints that we know are going to be coming in. <br />I am asking reductions in Landfill Costs, Municipal Services Facility, <br />Water Works-and Motor Equipment. I fully expect that before August <br />lst, that these funds are going to have to be reimbursed from the <br />cash received from customers. I am not asking for this reimbursement, <br />at this time, since theoretically we have no money in the Solid Waste <br />Fund. It will also be easier to appropriate the money from the Solid <br />Waste Fund into these other accounts and keep them separate from the <br />Revenue Sharing Funds, by doing it this way. One word of caution, <br />there is every indication that before too many more months, there is <br />a good possibility that we might have to put even more men to work, if <br />our rate of customers increase continues at its present pace. <br />