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NO. 5505 -73 <br />AN ORDINANCE CREATING A CIVIC <br />CENTER ENDOWMENT FUND. <br />WHEREAS, the City of South Bend has embarked upon the <br />development of a Civic Center within the area bounded generally by <br />Wayne Street on the south, St. Joseph Street on the west, Colfax <br />Avenue on the north and the St. Joseph River on the east; and <br />WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the development and <br />operation of said Civic Center will be financed, in part, by private <br />donations; and <br />WHEREAS, a special fund should be established for receipt <br />and handling of any and all donations which may be made for such <br />purpose. <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of <br />the City of South Bend, Indiana: <br />SECTION I. That there is hereby established within the <br />accounts administered by the City Controller a new special fund to <br />be known as the "Civic Center Endowment Fund" to be used for the <br />receipt and deposit of donations for use in the development and <br />operation of the aforesaid Civic Center by the Civic Center Authority. <br />SECTION II. That said Civic Center Endowment Fund shall <br />be a continuing fund and donations deposited therein shall not <br />revert to the general fund; but rather all money received by said <br />fund shall be used to develop, operate, maintain or improve the <br />Civic Center. Said money may be invested by the Controller, with <br />the direction of the Authority, consistent with the statutes of the <br />State of Indiana. Any interest or other income earned from such <br />investments shall be added to principal and retained in said fund <br />for use in the same manner as other monies accumulated therein. <br />SECTION III. This ordinance shall be in full force and <br />effect from and after its passage by the Common Council and its <br />approval by the Mayor. <br />member of the ommo Qqncil <br />Passed April 9, 1973, as amended. <br />