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The Bonds shall be executed on behalf of the City with <br />the official manual or facsimile signature of the Mayor and <br />attested with the official manual signature of the Clerk and shall <br />have impressed or imprinted thereon -the corporate seal of the <br />City. The coupons attached to'the Bonds, if -any, shall be executed <br />by the facsimile of the official signatures of the Mayor and Clerk <br />and such facsimile on any Series 1973 Bonds or coupons shall have <br />the same force and effect as if manually signed by such officer. <br />The Bonds, together with interest thereon, shall be limited <br />obligations of the City payable solely from the revenues and other <br />amounts derived from the leasing or sale of the Project (except <br />to the extent paid out of moneys attributable to the Bond proceeds <br />or the income from the temporary investment thereof and under <br />certain circumstances, proceeds from insurance. and condemnation <br />awards) and shall be a valid claim of the respective holders <br />thereof only against the Bond Fund created under the Indenture <br />and other moneys held by the Trustee and of the Project (but in <br />addition shall be secured by.a security interest on the Project), <br />which revenues and other amounts shall be pledged and secured under <br />the Indenture for the equal and ratable payment of the Bonds and <br />shall be used for no other purpose than to pay the principal of, <br />premium, if any, and the interest on the Bonds, except as may be <br />otherwise expressly authorized in the Indenture. The Bonds and <br />the interest thereon shall never constitute a charge against the <br />general credit or taxing power of the City. In case any officer <br />whose signature or facsimile of whose signature shall appear on <br />the Bonds or coupons shall cease to be such officer before the <br />delivery of such Bonds, such signature or such facsimile shall <br />nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes, the same as <br />if.he had remained in office until delivery. <br />Section 6. Additional Bonds. The City may authorize the <br />issuance of AUTHEional Bonds upon the terms and conditions provided <br />in the Indenture and the Lease. All Additional Bonds shall be of <br />the same rank as the Series 1973 Bonds, but shall bear such date <br />or dates, bear such interest rate or rates, have such maturity <br />dates, redemption dates and redemption premiums, and be issued at <br />such prices as shall be approved in writing by the City and the <br />Lessee. <br />Section 7. Sale of the Series 1973 Bonds. The Mayor and <br />Clerk of the 1 y are hereby authorized and directed to sell the <br />Series 1973 Bonds pursuant to and upon the order of the Underwriters <br />named in that certain Bond Purchase Agreement dated July , 1973 <br />at a price of % of par value, plus accrued ingest <br />from July 1, 1 % :-fie ate of sale. The Mayor is hereby <br />authorized to execute, and the Clerk is hereby authorized to <br />attest, such Bond Purchase Agreement with the Underwriters providing <br />for the sale of the Series 1973 Bonds on terms consistent with the <br />Bond Ordinance, provided that prior to the execution of such Bond <br />Purchase Agreement, Allied Products Corporation shall execute and <br />deliver to the Mayor or the Clerk of the City and to the Under- <br />writers, an Indemnity Letter in substantially the form now before <br />this meeting; and the Clerk is hereby directed to insert a copy <br />of the Indemnity Letter and the Bond Purchase Agreement, in the <br />form submitted to this meeting and approved hereby, in the minutes <br />of this Common Council and to certify thereon that the same is <br />-4- <br />