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TowtutUrr Irport <br />ala tqe (10mmau (90um -u of thr (guy of #old# stub: <br />Your Committee Of the Whole <br />to whom was referred <br />AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $54,000.00 <br />FROM THE LOCAL ROAD AND STREET FUND AND <br />$6,000.00 FROM THE CUMULATIVE CAPITAL <br />IMPROVEMENT FUND FOR PROJECT R & S 60 — <br />ORANGE STREET — COLFAX AVENUE CONNECTOR <br />FROM BENDIX DRIVE TO LaPORTE AVENUE. <br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in their opinion the Ordinance should go <br />to the Council as favorable. <br />Odell Newburn <br />Chairman <br />.... ..... pYI LIININO CO. <br />