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ORDINANCE NO. 5689 -74 <br />AN ORDINANCE CREATING A DIVISION OF COMMUNITY <br />DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND. <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana: <br />SECTION I. There shall be established within the city <br />a Division of Commun y Development. <br />SECTION II. The employees of the Division of Community <br />Development shall be appointed by the Mayor and for the purpose of <br />organization shall be placed under the cabinet position of Human <br />Resources and Economic Development. The salaries of said employees <br />shall be set by the Mayor subject to approval by the Common Council <br />in the annual salary ordinance. New positions and salaries may be <br />established and approved as the positions are created. <br />SECTION III. A budget shall be presented by the Mayor <br />to the Common Council c— it in ordinance form, making appropriations by <br />items for the use of said Division of Community Development. The <br />Council shall have the power to reduce said budget but may not <br />increase it unless recommended by the Mayor. <br />SECTION IV. The Division of Community Development may <br />coordinate with the Redevelopment Trustees and the Redevelopment <br />Commissioners. <br />A. The Division of Community Development shall be <br />authorized to, in conjunction with the Department of Redevelopment, <br />establish and implement a Neighborhood Development Program. Any <br />such relationship, and all contracts for such a purpose, shall be <br />approved by the Redevelopment Commissioners. Any contract in excess <br />of $5,000 shall also be approved by the Common Council. <br />B. The Division of Community Development shall propose <br />guidelines for the fair and equitable administration of the <br />Neighborhood Development Program. Such guidelines shall be subject <br />to public hearing and approval by the Redevelopment Commissioners, <br />approval by the Mayor, and filed with the City Clerk. <br />C. There shall be established an Advisory Committee <br />for each project area composed of seven members which shall include <br />two project area residents, three professional experts selected from <br />real estate, mortgage or rehabilitation loans, or the construction <br />industry, the Director of the Division of Community Development, <br />and the Director of the Bureau of Housing. The Advisory Committee <br />shall screen applicants for grants and loans and recommend to the <br />Redevelopment Commission the grant recipients and amounts of grants <br />and loans. Members of this committee shall be appointed by the <br />Mayor and serve at his pleasure for the duration of the project. <br />D. The Redevelopment Commissioners may establish <br />within their jurisdiction a revolving fund to be used for loans, <br />the buying and selling of property, and such other purposes as may <br />be deemed necessary, including but not limited to demolition and <br />homesteading. Any city funds appropriated and placed within said <br />revolving fund shall be accounted for annually by the Department <br />of Administration. <br />SECTION V. Within the Division of Community Development <br />may be established a Bureau of Housing. The Bureau of Housing may <br />provide for any of the following functions for family housing: <br />