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OFFICE OF THE MAYOR <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />Page Two <br />6. It implies the existance of a municipal dog pound because it <br />does not specify that impounded dogs would be taken to the <br />Humane Society of St. Joseph County immediately but that they <br />be taken there after they have been held for ten (10) days. <br />7. It implies that the City has some facilities to destroy dogs in <br />that a dog with no valid license would be placed in the custody <br />of the Humane Society or destroyed, but it does not specify by <br />whom or by what means. <br />8. It provides for a "scoop law" requiring an owner to remove <br />any excrement from his dog in "a proper container" while <br />disposing of it on his own property. There is no enforcement <br />procedures and this would be extremely difficult. <br />In summary, Ordinance Number 5577 -73 empowers the City to <br />impound dogs. This we will continue to do with the additional <br />resources. However, the present Ordinance in all its vagueness, <br />does not add anything to 5577 -73 passed on September 24, 1973, but <br />we will make every attempt to carry through on the spirit of the <br />Ordinance which is to require that owners license and control their <br />dogs. <br />While we are certainly in favor of the spirit of the Ordinance, I <br />must veto it because of the vagueness, inadequacies and unanswered <br />questions in Ordinance Number 5683 -74. <br />cc: Mr. Peter J. Nemeth, President <br />South Bend Common Council <br />FILED IN CLERK'S OFFICE <br />JUN2C1974 <br />Irene Gammon <br />CILY CLERK, 30UI]1 AE p, IND <br />