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<br />✓L'Gu ':''i1uU Witaa City %J .Grk Gi" ;J �7
<br />iJ:;. "i.0 i�GOGi.VOd by the Area i'1ai: VOiiiu 0i: .... M.w,..,- h:..=,•.•,.•...^.• -•'••
<br />f ri's Y7 ,.,�.. Yii :.,r ^..' ,_•�.. rrY , '7
<br />11V:3i ST AL'
<br />1121:1 J Tin,-, Uu:.i. ;)4:.i G.i3 G Ci
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<br />t110 lli2u c:CS,. "hods d0 i:.J uu� ..'�..iJ0LI. '.ci i.y _•..•
<br />, Co i 1i'RG a=u pots`.— Ol :110 Common Council of 'the Citj
<br />'cu aGi i1G i13 LOiiIY. 0rG liiar;CU Oi�1he City Qi South
<br />�, rJr i9 i'i +C�.l�0i ru ^ -Cl;�C Si. iiU, a:+G ir:
<br />iaci.S are 6"a0 X-1
<br />y, `PGU propUri)y sou. --t to vii rvSG:::uu i:; iJc:: "V .7.0
<br />4134 ._,incoln Way West, South Bend, iradiana.
<br />I . .:.1.J 'i7 O'��C- l_;;y i ovmr 6 b`y Lu, Bone 0. Mc Garvey, Jr. and Keit a :.. \%:al..
<br />j. .+ iGai UUc'1CrlpVl Oil G "i,:40 L�i`Op�ui ^'ef i:i i7.5 vi+.Old ti•
<br />the Southeast Quarter (i 4) Of the Sout'' west Quarter (1 �4) of Se Ctio.:
<br />iy -ehreE '33
<br />� ), TOVJIISnip 1hirty- elg'nt 138) North, Range Two (2) East,
<br />..:iCr.�JCU
<br />as beginning at a point Five . uniJred Nincty -se Ven and T.
<br />f<:et Nest of the Southeast cornoz o: the Southwest Quarter of Seci:ior:
<br />.. ".i: i•)�-;:nree (33), To \vnsraip and mange aIOreSaiG, '-hence West Four
<br />.,.:ve.,,%-Cwo arid two Tenths (Ji72. 2) feet, tCieilCC t\lOrti] Five J-l'u i]dr Cd 1 \'Jl;::cj-
<br />.•...... L\ TCntils (D2J. J) ie Et t0 file SG1i La1 1i.1:E O1 Lincoln Way Wc.;t or
<br />20, said line being ti:c South line Of a One hundred (1 00) .GGi
<br />�.:,- o.-way; thence South Sixty- e'ignt (oh) de brces, Thirty (30) i11in'ul-e6 i:aot
<br />:110a: 6_6 South I ne a Distance o: Tiaree ilii -ndred Seventeen anG 1 iit; %-Lai'i:C
<br />... 11.:.'71'@6LOS (317.53) feet; thence South a G.stance of One Hundred Fifty
<br />[::encc Southeaste;%y paraiici '6o the SOUth line; Of Lincoln Way We<l:, ..
<br />Ci i.::C:,:C2: Gi One Hu::Ored Ninety -t-rce anG Se Vonicen Nundred tiffs (103. i7/ iC>::
<br />.... .: isJ Sc)uL One liun6red ,',^.�Gly-four and .S'ix Tenths (134. U) 1CeL LG tno. ;
<br />.i. Ji'; .il:i:lg, C;:CGptii:g 'tiler Cfrorh a strip of land li'orty (4.0) lcct wide,
<br />,.,..C: ti,Jul.., taiCC.`1 Gff ..:0 eiu fire ieragt:] Of the SGUtIl Si60 1 rlgi. of -wGy
<br />,)LiSi.o, s-.0 Strip of land being 'hc NOrti1'Naif (1/2) Of Edison 2oad,,-'n
<br />County, liidiana. Consisting of 3. 64 acres.
<br />Except i75 feet in depth north and south off the entire south end of the above
<br />described tract, beginning at'the center line of Elwood Avenue,
<br />i20 feet in depth off the North end of the tract is zoned C- Commercial, and the
<br />oa:c,;,cc of the property is presently zoned T3- Residential
<br />