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acquisition and leasing of the proposed facilities relating to <br />Ironwood Partnership, (hereinafter called the "user ") pursuant to <br />P.L. 182, Acts 1973, IC- 18 -6 -4.5 et sea., and such report has been <br />submitted to the Chairman of the Area Plan Commission and the Super- <br />intendent of the School Corporation, and the written comments of <br />said Commission and Superintendent have been received by the <br />Commission and such reports and comments have been favorable; and <br />WHEREAS, the Commission has approved this form of ordinance <br />authorizing the execution of a Lease Financing agreement and Trust <br />Indenture, Mortgage and Bond, and the issuance of an Economic Devel- <br />opment Revenue Bond in accordance therewith; and <br />WHEREAS, the Commission has transmitted this form of <br />ordinance to the City Clerk for the presentation to the Common Council; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Commission held a public hearing on the pro- <br />posed refinancing of such facilities on March 8 , 1974, <br />after giving the required notice as provided for in P.L. 182, Acts, <br />1973, IC- 18 -6 -4.5 to IC- 18- 6- 4.5 -29; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Clerk has published in a newspaper <br />published in South Bend, Indiana, a notice that such form of ordinance <br />has been filed with the City Clerk in accordance with the provisions <br />of P.L. 182, Acts 1973, IC- 18 -6 -4.5 to IC- 18- 6- 4.5 -28; and <br />WHEREAS, the Common Council finds that the proposed de- <br />velopment will be of public benefit to the economic welfare of the <br />City by tending to overcome the deficiencies previously found to <br />exist and that such benefit is greater than the cost of the public <br />facilities which would be required by the proposed project relating <br />to the user. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Common Council of <br />the City of South Bend,. Indiana that: <br />Section 1. The form and terms of the Lease Financing <br />Agreement and Trust Indenture, Mortgage, and Economic Development <br />Revenue Bond pertaining to the facilities of the user of the issuance <br />of an Economic Development Revenue Bond pursuant thereto are hereby <br />