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ORDINANCE NO. 5663 -74 <br />AN ORDINANCE GRANTING AN EASEMENT TO CHICAGO <br />SOUTH SHORE AND SOUTH BEND RAILROAD ALONG <br />WESTMOOR STREET AND RATIFYING PERMISSION TO <br />LAY RAILROAD TRACKS ACROSS STREETS. <br />WHEREAS, Westmoor Street is a public street in South <br />Bend, Indiana, extending in an easterly and westerly direction and <br />as said street extends from Sheridan Avenue to Bendix Drive, there <br />are tracks of the Chicago South Shore and South Bend Railroad located <br />in the traveled portion of the street, and the street in its present <br />condition is difficult to maintain and to provide proper drainage; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the City desires to repave Westmoor Street and <br />to construct a new curb and gutter on the north side thereof from <br />Sheridan Avenue to Bendix Drive and to remove the South Shore <br />railroad tracks from the traveled portion of said street; and <br />WHEREAS, the Chicago South Shore and South Bend Railroad <br />desires to relocate its tracks between Sheridan Avenue and Bendix <br />Drive off the traveled portion of said street and to do so requires <br />an easement from the City 21 feet in width along the north side of <br />Westmoor Street extending from approximately 200 feet west of <br />Sheridan Avenue to Bendix Drive; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Public Works of the City of South <br />Bend has heretofore granted written permission to the Chicago South <br />Shore and South Bend Railroad to reconstruct its railroad tracks <br />on the Westmoor Street right -of -way across Sheridan Avenue, Iowa <br />Street and Kentucky Street. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of <br />the City of South Bend, Indiana: <br />SECTION I. That the Chicago South Shore and South Bend <br />Railroad be, and it hereby is, granted an easement 21 feet in width <br />along the north side of Westmoor Street in South Bend, Indiana, from <br />a point approximately 200 feet west of Sheridan Avenue to a point <br />at the intersection of Westmoor Street and Bendix Drive where the <br />existing South Shore tracks are located in Bendix Drive for the <br />purpose of constructing and maintaining a railroad track and <br />connecting to existing railroad tracks at the east and west end <br />thereof, such track to be of open construction except at the inter- <br />sections of Sheridan Avenue, Iowa Street and Kentucky Street where <br />there shall be closed construction. <br />SECTION II. Written permission of the Board of Public <br />Works of South Bend, Indiana, having been obtained by resolution of <br />said Board adopted on the 15th day of April, 1974, to lay a track in <br />the right -of -way described in Section I hereof across Sheridan <br />Avenue, Iowa Street and Kentucky Street, such permission of the <br />Board of Public Works is hereby ratified. <br />SECTION III. This Ordinance shall be in full force and <br />effect from and after its passage by the Common Council, approval by <br />the Mayor and fulfillment of all statutory requirements. <br />Passed May 13, 1974, as amende <br />