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designee. The Director of Public Safety or his designee shall issue <br />a new license decal and record the purchase or transfer on a new <br />registration form upon receipt of payment of a registration fee in <br />accordance with the provisions of Section 20 -36. <br />Sec. 20 -42 Rental agencies; inspections. <br />The Chief of the Police Bureau or his designee <br />shall make periodic inspections of bicycles offered for rental by <br />all persons engaged in the business of renting bicycles to the <br />public. All persons so engaged in the business of renting bicycles <br />shall be responsible for the condition of the bicycles offered for <br />rental by them, and for equipping the bicycles with proper lights <br />and other safety equipment as required by law. Rental agencies <br />shall conform in all respects with all the provisions of this <br />Article. <br />Sec. 20 -43 Impounding of bicycles; restoration; <br />sale. <br />(a) If any bicycle is found upon any public <br />street, highway or alley of the city without a license decal, or <br />with a mutilated frame number, it shall be prima facie evidence <br />that the bicycle is being operated on the streets and highways of <br />the city without having been registered. The bicycle shall be <br />immediately impounded by any member of the Police Bureau. <br />(b) It shall only be surrendered to the owner <br />upon proof of ownership satisfactory to the Chief of the Police <br />Bureau or his designee, payment of the license registration fee <br />and payment of a Four Dollar ($4.00) impounding and storage fee. <br />Subject monies are to be placed in the General Fund. <br />(c) At the expiration of six (6) months after <br />the impounding, each bicycle which has not been claimed shall be <br />sold at public auction in accordance with the laws of the state. <br />SECTION II. Anyone who violates the provisions <br />of this ordinance may be fined up to a maximum of $100 by a court <br />of competent jurisdiction. <br />SECTION III. If any section, sub - section, sentence, <br />clause, phrase or portion of this ordinance is, for any reason, held <br />invalid or unconstitutional by a court with competent jurisdiction, <br />such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent <br />provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the <br />remaining portions thereof. <br />SECTION IV. This ordinance shall be in full force <br />and effect from and after its passage by the Common Council, approval <br />by the Mayor and legal publication, except Section 20 -43 which shall <br />be effective June 15, 1974. <br />Passed April 8, 1974, as amended. <br />-3- <br />