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Department of Public Parks <br />Administration Building <br />St. Louis Boulevard at Wayne Street <br />South Bend, Indiana 46617 <br />PHONE: (219) 284 -9401 <br />Feb&uary 6, 1974- <br />MA. Peter Nemeth, Pre6.ident <br />South Bend Common Councit. <br />County-City Buitding <br />227 west- Jeb6enson BoutevoAd <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />Dear. MA. Nemeth: <br />The Depahtment o6 Public Paxhs is Requesting the Common Council to <br />appaave the e-nc2oeed ondinanee 6oh'tkaws6eA ob bunt,. <br />As you are aware, the Patk Depaxtment teeeived $100,000.00 in Aevenue <br />Aha' 4und6 to .Eight Boland, WB)tien and HaxWon Parks. <br />A6teA the eontkaetoR Rtaxted to woRk at Boland Park, vandaZ6 caused <br />damageA on Novembe�i 18, 1973 and again on November 30, 1973 amounting <br />to '$14,550.00. The.Pank Department xece.ived a check'jum 'our .insurance <br />eakAieA in the amount of $14,050.00 to cover the loss. The poti.ey had <br />a $500.00 deductible clause. <br />This check was deposited and o edited to the Fedewt Assistance GRant <br />Fund, Account #261,. Recuationat and Ge-neAat Pa,%k Lighting.. The Paick <br />Department plans to trans6er enough money to puAchuse lights, cross <br />wmR, etc., bxam Account #726, Other- Equipment. The cost o6 these <br />mateA ats is appxoximatety $8,675;00, The balance o6 the $14,050.00 <br />witt be lebt in Account 0261, Program FA 25 to pay bon the change ordeA <br />to cove)c the b.iAat tozz by vandals and the contAactua2 expense needed <br />to eieeet the .Eights a6teR the last toRR. <br />Since delivery 6or the lights could take th,%ee on 6ouA months, the Park <br />Department is anxious to have the money tran66med so that bids can be <br />taken 6oR the light/. We would like to have the lighting project com- <br />pleted 6oA this so6tbaEl Reason. <br />VeJ:y truly yours, <br />DFPAKrMFNT OF B C PARKS <br />J,alne�s . R, Se,etz, <br />,Superintendent <br />JRS: kb +/ <br />