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by the appointing authority for just cause. All members of the <br />Commission shall serve without compensation and any five (5) members <br />shall constitute a quorum. <br />(b) The Commission shall elect from its membership <br />once each year a Chairman, Vice Chairman and secretary. <br />(c) The Commission shall hold one regular meeting <br />each month and such special meetings as the Chairman may deem necessary. <br />(d) It shall take the concurrence of a majority of <br />the Commission membership to take legal or official action. <br />Sec. 2 -56 Powers and Duties <br />(a) To establish and maintain a permanent office in the <br />City of South Bend. <br />(b) To recommend to the Mayor for appointment an <br />Executive Director, or such personnel as it may deem necessary, and to <br />prescribe their duties. <br />(c) To adopt, promolgate, amend and rescind such rules <br />and regulations, procedural and substantive, as may be consistent with <br />provisions of the Ordinance. Such rules and regulations shall be adopted <br />in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance as it may hereafter <br />be amended. <br />(d) To formulate policies to effectuate the purposes <br />of this Ordinance and make recommendations to the City to effectuate <br />such policies. The several departments, Commissions, boards, authorities, <br />divisions, bureaus, and officers of the City may furnish the Commission <br />upon its request, all records, papers, and information in their possession <br />relating to any matter before the Commission. <br />(e) To receive and investigate charges of discriminatory <br />practices or complaints. The Commission shall not hold hearings in the <br />absence of a complaint as herein defined. All investigations of com- <br />plaints shall be conducted by staff members of the Commission. <br />(f) To issue such publications and such results of <br />investigation and research as in its judgment will tend to minimize or <br />eliminate discrimination because of race, religion, color, sex, national <br />origin or ancestry. <br />(g) To prepare and issue a report annually to the City <br />Council and Mayor, describing in detail the investigation and concillia- <br />tion proceedings it has conducted and their outcome, the progress made <br />and any other work performed and achievements towards the elimination <br />of discrimination. <br />(h) To prevent any person from discharging, expelling <br />or otherwise discriminating against any other person because he filed <br />a complaint or testified in any hearing before this Commission, or in <br />any way assisted the Commission in any matter under investigation. <br />(i) To hold hearings, subpoena witnesses, compel their <br />attendance, administer oaths, take the testimony of any such person <br />under oath, and require the production for examination of any books <br />and papers relating to any matter under investigation or in question <br />before the Commission, such power of subpoena, however, is to be <br />exercised only upon approval of and through the Department of Law. <br />ME <br />