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ORDINANCE NO. <br />AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING FAIR CAMPAIGN <br />PRACTICES WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND. <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana: <br />SECTION I. TITLE OF ACT <br />Act". This Act shall be known as the "Fair Campaign Practices <br />SECTION II. INTENT AND PURPOSES <br />In order to give the citizens of our City reason to <br />have faith in our electoral process by protecting the rights of the <br />less affluent to run for City Office, and insuring the quality of <br />the voting rights of each citizen by limiting the influence of <br />large contributions on candidates, the Common Council believes that <br />it is necessary to provide for effective electoral reform on the <br />local level. The Council further believes that the provisions of <br />this Act are not inconsistent with the laws of the State of Indiana, <br />that the power of the Council to enact such a law is not expressly <br />denied by State law and that this Act is in the best interests of <br />the people of the City of South Bend. <br />SECTION III. DEFINITIONS <br />When used in this Act -- <br />(a) "Candidate" means an individual who seeks nomina- <br />tion for election, or election, to City Office, whether or not such <br />individual is elected, and, for purposes of this act, an individual <br />shall be deemed to seek nomination for election, or election, to <br />City Office, if he has (1) taken the action necessary under State <br />or local laws to qualify himself for nomination for election, or <br />election, or (2) received contributions or made expenditures, or <br />has given his consent for any other person to receive contributions <br />or make expenditures, with a view to bringing about his nomination <br />for election, or election, to such office. <br />(b) "City Office" means the office of Mayor, Councilman <br />or Clerk of the City of South Bend, Indiana. <br />(c) "Contribution" means -- <br />(1) a gift, subscription, loan, advance, or deposit <br />of money or anything of value (except a loan of money by any <br />governmentally regulated financial institution in the ordinary course <br />of business), made for the purpose of influencing the nomination for <br />election, or election, of any person to City Office; <br />(2) a contract, promise, or agreement, express or <br />implied, whether or not legally enforceable, to make a contribution <br />for such purposes; <br />(3) a transfer of funds between political committees; <br />(4) the payment, by any person other than a candidate <br />or political committee, of compensation for the personal services of <br />another person which are rendered to such candidate or political <br />committee without charge for any such purposes; and <br />(5) notwithstanding the foregoing meanings of <br />"Contribution ", the word shall not be construed to include services <br />Provided without compensation by individuals volunteering a portion <br />or all of their time on behalf of a candidate or political committee. <br />