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ORDINANCE NO. 5 8 / 9- 15- <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $ 20,686.00 <br />FROM THE FEDERAL ASSISTANCE GRANT FUND, COMMONLY <br />REFERRED TO AS GENERAL REVENUE SHARING, TO THE <br />FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS: ACCOUNT NO. 261.0 "PROMOTIONAL <br />EXPENSE" - $ 18,700.00; 520.0 "RENTS" - $ 1,136.00; <br />AND 725.0 "OFFICE EQUIPMENT" - $ 850.00, ALL <br />ACCOUNTS WITHIN THE CIVIC CENTER BUDGET, PROGRAM <br />F.A. 45, TO BE ADMINISTERED BY THE CIVIC CENTER <br />AUTHORITY. <br />WHEREAS, certain extraordinary conditions have developed since <br />the adoption of the existing: budget for the Civic Center Authority <br />so that it is now necessary to appropriate more money than was <br />originally appropriated in order for the Authority to carry out <br />its governmental functions and responsibilities; and <br />WHEREAS, funds are now needed for promotional expense, rents, <br />and office equipment, which funds may be appropriated from the <br />Federal Assistance Grant Fund; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the <br />City of South Bend, Indiana: <br />SECTION I. That the sum of $ 20,686.00 be, and hereby is, <br />appropriated from the Federal Assistance Grant Fund to Program <br />F.A. 45 "Civic Center Project" to be administered by the Civic <br />Center Authority. The sum of $ 20,686.00 is to be distributed as <br />follows: <br />Account No. Description Amount <br />261.0 Promotional Expense $ 18,700.00 <br />Total <br />520.0 Rents <br />Total <br />725.0 Office E, <br />Total <br />Grand <br />Contractuals $ 18,700.00 <br />1,136.00 <br />Current Charges 1,136.00 <br />luipment 850.00 <br />Properties 850.00 <br />Total F.A. 45 $ 20,686.00 <br />SECTION II. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect <br />from and after its adoption by the Common Council, its approval by <br />the Mayor, and the fulfillment of all statutory requirements for <br />additional appropriations. <br />READING <br />PUBLIC NEARING <br />2nd READING <br />NOT APPROVED <br />REFERRED <br />PASSED <br />3- /0 - -7s <br />3 -ay_2S <br />3 - Q 44 5- <br />FILED IN CLERK'S OFFICE <br />MAR 5 1975 <br />Irene Gammon <br />CIO =Rk SOUTH BEND, IN& <br />